Chapter seven

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so here's chapter seven:

I need votes ! :(

it breaks my heart to see people reading and not voting cause it means they didn't like it :/

it was easier than chapter six since there isn't a sex scene x))

please vote and comment , i love reading comments

and don't forget to check my other fan fiction

oh and if you have an idea , you can always tell me and i may follow it ( probably will xD )

Enjoy !

i tried to get up from the bed but Harry's arms were so tight on me ,i felt that i had to leave before he wakes up or i'll be in big trouble.

what if he accuses me of raping him ? that boy is so arrogant that i expect everything from him , what will i do ? i will probably go to jail for trying to rape a superstar and i'll be hated all over the world , i won't see children even after i leave the prison cause none will trust his kids with a rapist and i'll never get married or date ever again unless it's a criminal who will use me as his slave or worse his sex slave and my life will be horrible ... my thoughts were interupted by Harry's voice.

" good morning , Lou " I guess i won't be charged of raping a superstar after all

" good morning , wait before you say anything , i can explain " i was cutt of by Harry crushing his lips on mine again

" Lou , you don't have to explain anything " Harry said getting up , taking a tower and heading to the bathroom " don't leave , i'll be done in a couple of minutes , we need to talk " he said just before closing the door without waiting for an answer .

it wasn't long after i heard the water streaming , he finished and the second he came in the room with a towel wrapped around his hips , he turned to face the closet , i felt my mouth watering and i kept staring at his ass until he turned around and catched my eyes , i blushed and looked away .

" you don't have to look away , Lou " he said putting some boxers on and throwing me ones too then sitting next to me " our deal would be tasting of each other everyday until the birthday party , you will come every night we will have sex but you have no right to tell anybody , okay ? and after that we won't see each other ever again , what do you say ? "

that moment i wanted to cry yet i was happy , on one hand i really want him to come to the party and he's sexy as hell , who wouldn't want to sleep with him but on the other hand he's too sexy to spend a week with that be thrown away , i probably will be torn and it won't be easy to gather up the pieces and be myself ever again , i can easily fall in love with him well that's if i'm not now .

actually now i don't know if i'll ever be the same again after just one night then how about other 6 nights ? i don't know what to do , god what sould i do ? it was then i noticed i should be at work in 15 minutes.

" i really have to go to work Harry and you're going to drive me there ! " i said wearing the briefs he gave me and walking to the bathroom to clean up quickly and when i was out , Harry holded clothes in his hands , car keys in his hands leaning on the door

" here , i promised i'll let you borrow clothes , these will fit you "

" thank you " i said then started wearing the white shirt and black jeans which were surprisly fitting

" but you won't leave until you promise you'll come back tonight " he said smirking

" Harry this isn't the perfect time for your games , please i'm in a hurry "

" i don't care , you're coming or not ? "

" i don't know , i'll tell you later "

" then i don't know if you're leaving this room , i'll let you later when i hear my answer "

" fine fine , i'll come back i promise " he give me a wide smile that showed his dimples then went out of the room and i followed him to the door then to the car.

he drove me to the daycare cause we didn't have time to go to my car

" so see you tonight ? " he asked stopping the car right in front of my job place

" i'll call you when i'm done " i replied as i left the car

" sure , see you later " he said waving with a big smile

god , what did get myself into ? i can't believe i just agreed to his terms , maybe i should inform the other boys , they surely would do something , right ? oh no i promised Harry i won't tell anybody , great

i went in , right to the kitchen where Lucy the owner came a minute after .

" good morning Lou " said Lucy smiling as usual " mrs higgins was here couple of minutes ago , she wanted to thank you "

" oh i'm sorry i'm a bit late , i didn't wake up at time " i answered

" yeah right " and she winked and left

the day went normally , i played with children , helped them , told them stories and at 4 it was time to leave so i decided i will ask Lucy to drive me to my car but it was then the bell rung , it must be parents i thought to myself but to my surprise it was Harry.

" Harry ? " i exclaimed

" no , his imaginary twin brother will " he laughed " come on i promised to drive you to your car "

i chuckled to his joke and went to tell Lucy i'm leaving but ended up telling Ashley cause i couldn't find Lucy then followed Harry to the car

" how did you know when i finish my job ? "

" let's just say , Lucy is a very nice girl " he answered smirking

yes she is , wait what ? how does he know that ? oh god that's why she laughed and said yeah right when i said i didn't wake up in time .

they met ,..... perfect , just perfect

feedback is always appreciated if you want me to continue writing ( vote , comment , fan me , add the story to your library , check my other story , inbox me ..... )

thanks for reading xx

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