Chapter Six

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I walked down the misty sidewalk rubbing my hands together, because I was in a hurry I forgot my gloves at home, I reached the cafe and took off my jacket because it was pretty warm inside, I took my usual plave at my usual booth next to the big glass window. I took out my phone and kept staring at it in case I get a message from Harry, I checked the time, it showed 8:50am

two more mins, I thought, two more mins!

Shelly came and poured me a cup of coffee and sat down opposite me,

"So Hope, ya waiting for that guy to come?", she asked smirking

"yeah why?", I replied taking small sips of my coffee

"you find him cute right?". she asked

"what is it to you?", I said, "and Hey arn't you supposed to be working?", Then she got up, settled her uniform and walked away.

"Hope loves Harry!", she turned around and screamed at the top of her lungs, loud enough for everyone to hear, It was embarrassing because everyone in the cafe started staring at me and I put my head down due to embarrassment. Thank God Harry wasn't here yet.

Speaking of Harry being here where was he?, It was 9:00am already, and he never late, I start to panic, should I call him? no i don't think  I should because he might think im a despo or something. What If he forgot? What If he doesn't want to see me? What if he lost my number and couldn't tell me where he was?

"uh want anything else sweety?", Shelly's voice made me come out of my thoughts

"uh yeah one more cup of Harr- uh coffee please", that slipped out

"don't worry he'll be here soon okay", she told me, " so sit back and relax while I get you your one cup of Harry", she laughed. Shelly always lets me have it, shes actually like my sister, and how I know her? Well she use to date michael before he turned gay so it was pretty tough for her but she's fine now, and when it come to boys I always go to her for help.... and maybe sometimes Michael.


I swallowed the last drop of coffee from the cup and placed the cup along side the other 7 empty cups, that's right I drank 8 cups of coffee waiting for Harry but he didn't show up, I started feeling drunk on coffee. I got up to leave , I didn't want to wait anymore, Harry could have easily told me that he wasn't coming, then I wouldn't have wasted my time drinking 8 cups of coffee! Even though I didn't have any other work to do but whatever, I picked up my jacket and started walking out when I saw Harry coming in, I quickly ran back to my booth and sat there with a cup in my hands, acting like I was drinking all along.

"Hey!", Harry greeted me and sat down opposite me.

"hey", I replied pushing the cups to the side, which made a clinging sound as they hit against each other, I waved my hands at Shelly and called her to take the cups away, she came immediately and took the cups and winked at me, I knew exactly what she meant!

I saw Harry looking at the 8 cups of coffee, "did you drink 8 cups of coffee all by your self?",

"yeah I actually i did i um have this thing where i uh need to drink 8 cups of coffee a day", I made up shit , I can't actually tell him that I drank 8 cups of coffee waiting for him to come.

"that's cool"

"really? I don't think its cool"

"you don't?", He said smirking, I shook my head, "anyways I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught up with some work"

"oh no, no its fine", I said looking down.

"really! your awesome", he said checking his phone, he said I was awesome, was I dreaming or was this really happening?!

"uh- Hope?", He said waving his fingers infront of my face,

"uh yeah, I was um just thinking about stuff", I replied smiling, he smiled back,

"what?", I asked

"nothing", he replied, his cheeks were becoming red and I could feel my cheeks going hot, "so you're enjoying this cold chilly weather?"

"you're asking me about the weather?", I laughed

"I think I am"

"I uh don't like this chilly weather that much, it-its too cold", I exclaimed

"me too"


"yeah, I mean I'm more of a rainy-summer-season-type of guy", he said with his husky voice, I just smiled because I didn't know what to answer. I remembered what Michael asked me to ask Harry but I was thinking of a way to frame it.

"can I ask you something?"

"yeah sure", he said and he came forward and kept staring at my face, I tried to avoid eye contact but he had these beautiful eyes i couldn't help but keep staring.

"uh its actually a request from Michael so-"

"is he okay?", wow he's really concerned about him, wait till Michael finds out.

"yeah he's fine", I said with a sigh, "but he wanted to know that if you know any gay people who would be interested in him"

Harry just kept laughing and his laugh was so catchy that i started laughing, he looked so good laughing and he laughs so loud, he doesn't even realize how loud he's laughing.

"i know its funny", I said pretending to wipe the fake tear from my eyes

"its even more funny because he told YOU to ask me", he said while giggling

"well yeah ! Thats my brother Michael!"

"but i don't think i know any gay guy righ now but If i do i'll fix him up", he said playing with his phone

"thanks, Michael will really appreciate it", I said.

"I'm really enjoying this", Harry said

"yeah me too", I replied, "so you want to do this again sometime?"

He smiled and I could see him blush, "yes i'd love to", I couldn't stop smiling.

I was thinking of things to say but i was blank, Harry kept looking outside the big glass window and then he suddenly said, "do you want to see my band perform tomorrow?"

HE'S IN A BAND! this day keeps getting better and better!

"you're in a band?", I said

"yeah we do a few gigs here and there, want to come?", he then asked

"i'd love too", I said, "can i bring Michael too?"

"yeah, i'm sure he'll love it", he said and took out a pen, he then scribbled something on a tissue and handed it to me, "come to this place tomorrow at 6:00pm, my sister is having her birthday part"

"and she won't mind?", I said while looking at the tissue, his handwriting was kinda messy but I managed.

"not at all, in fact she said i could bring some of my friends", he said

"cool, thanks", I said and checked the time on my phone, it showed 10:30am, how time flies when you're having fun, "uh Harry, I think i should get going now, i need to be home by 11 and Michael's alone at home and he can't take care of himself properly"

"oh i understand, i'll drop you home", he said while getting up

"oh you don't have to do that", i said putting my jacket on

"yes i have to", he said opening the door of  the cafe so that i could go out first, "Im going to drop you home"

"okay", I replied, he's actually the sweetest person ever, I can't wait to tell Michael the details!



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