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it was at 8:52 am when i saw him.......

i see him everyday of the week coming to Betty's Cafe at 8:52am ....... i want to know who he is

Hope Manning is an ordinary 17 year old girl, who was an orphan once, but the people who adopted her died when she was 13 so she went back being an orphan but currently she stays with her best friend Michael who is 18, His family took her in when she had no where to go..........

Betty's Cafe was famous for their cupcakes and pastries and Hope loves to go there early in the mornings when the chilly winter air brushes through her face, she saw him again, the guy who comes to the cafe everyday of the week at 8:52am .................

But will he ever like her the way she likes him?

**note please

this is just the summery of the fanfic im writing, i have posted a few chapters so please leave me your feedback because it helps me write better.

i have taken ideas from "the fault in our stars" by John Green.

thank you

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