Chapter 8

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(You don't have to listen to that whole video just to get the gist of the music I'm talking about)

I turn around

"W-Wait you're that Nora girl yato told me about!"

She smiled "So now we know each other"

"What do you want? I know you're not here for good reason!"

"Father just wanted me to check up on yato"


She walked over and stopped in front of my face
"All will soon be revealed"

I step back and fall into the water. I can't swim! I try to reach the surface. I reach my hand up and feel someone grab it and pull me up. I start gasping for air.

"Y/n!! Are you okay?"

I cough "Y-Yukine? Is that you?"

"Yeah, come on" he helps me up and we walk inside.

I sit down when we get inside. It seems like we are the only ones up.

"Why were you in the water?!"

I start to question Whether or not I should tell him. Oh who am I kidding this is yukine!

"I was confronted by Nora again.."

"Nora!? Again?!"

"That's what I just said"

He rolled his eyes "What happened?"

"She said something about a father? And then I just backed up until I fell in the water... and now here we are."

"Father? I never heard anything like that before"

"Maybe we can ask Yato about it in the morning."

"Yeah you need some rest after that make out session~" he smirked

"Yukine you're a jerk!" I laughed

"Night future wife of Yato~"

"Night annoying child~" I snickered while walking upstairs. I got upstairs and changed into my pajamas.

"What a day!" I smile thinking about my date with Yato. I get in the bed and peacefully fall asleep

~~~~Timeskip brought to you by rude awakenings~~~~~

"K/f/n~~!" Oh. My. Gods. If she don't let me sleep!

"K/f/n!! Wake up! I have a new outfit for you!"


"I'm just gonna give it to hiyori!"

I woke up from that.

"Okay, I'm up!" Kofuku smiled

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!"

"What about my outfit?"

"Oh yeah!" She walked over to the closet and opened it. I smiled at it.

 I smiled at it

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