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Chapter 4

Yukine pov
The next few days were...weird...
(Y/n) was blushing on every "job" when yato was around and I swear hiyori came EVERYDAY. I-I didn't mind that but the fact was she kept "making moves" on yato. So now I'm sitting here next to an annoyed (y/n), a flustered yato and a flirty hiyori.
"Haha oh yato that's So like you~" hiyori said.
"Well you know I am awesome" Yato answered.
"Ugh just look at them yuki, it's disgusting"
"Don't bring me into this (y/n), that is between you and hiyori" I said not wanting to be apart this.
"You're my best friend I have to vent to you" she countered.
I was about to say something when I was interrupted by Kofuku.
"Are you guys hungry me and Daikoku just made dinner!"
"Sure Kofuku I'm pretty hungry!" Hiyori said once again (y/n) groaned.
" yay here you go" She starts placing plates down.
It was...interesting to say the least. It was a grayish rice and dry chicken. I can tell Kofuku made it because Daikoku knows how to cook.
"Kofuku better be glad I love her" (y/n) whispers to me. I giggle. I'm about to take a bite when.. "Fast, affordable, and reliable! Delivery God Yato, at your service!....."Yes! Thank you very much! Thank you!"
For once I was actually glad to hear that.
"What's the job?" (Y/n) asked.
"We won't know till we get there so come on!"
(Y/n), yato and I start walking outside.
"Hey can I-"
"Hiyori! You should stay so we can talk about stuff~" Kofuku interrupted
I heard (y/n) sigh in relief.
After that we teleported to the location and there wa nothing there.
"Huh that's weird? The call came from here." Yato said confused.
"Should we split up?" (Y/n) suggested.
"NO" I quickly said. It was dark and I was..scared.
"Awww is my wittle wuki scared~" (Y/n) teased.
"Ok guys Yukine if your scared come with me." Yato suggested

Your pov

Sooo now I was walking around an empty place alone, in the dark, looking for a sign of somebody. I continued to walk and i heard a raindrop? All of a sudden a girl appears.
"Hello (Y/n)"
"H-How do you know my name?"
"Well once I saw yato had a new regalia I had to come and see"
"Who are you? Are you the one who called?" I was freaked out.
"You know you're just as useless as the boy, right now your (e/c) orbs are filled with joy. Soon they'll be dull in sorrow" She said that as she came closer to me.
"Stay away from me!" I jump back into a wall.
"I won't hurt you...yet." she smiled. Then she disappeared. Umm I was really scared and now it was dark and I can't find yukine or yato...
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
"Oh great! We were looking for you!" he says.
"What happened?"
"There is a phantom we need your help like now!" he says.
"Ok!" I answer. Yato says what he needs and I am in my weapon form.
"Whats the game plan?"
"Right now we run! Its right behind us!" he says
"We need to get out of this room, then we can really fight!" i suggest.
"Good idea!" He starts running again. We reach outside  and yato jumps on a building. The phantom is still following and yato turns around in a fighting position. Yato jumps right into action from there and attempts to slice the phantom. He misses because the phantom moved at the last minute. He takes me and yukine and slices a scissor cut in the phantom.
"We did it!" Yukine said. Buuutttt it just turned into 2 phantoms
"What?!?" we all said confused. We kept slicing and more phantoms appeared.
"Maybe we shouldnt slice them?" yukine said
"Ya'think?" I said.
"So what should we do?" yato asked. How was I supposed to know? I'm still new to this!
"Maybe if we hit them in a certain part it will die!" I said.
"Great!" Yato said I blushed.... S-Shut up though! I um..it was hot..
"Where should we hit it?" Yukine asked
"I'm gonna try the eye!" Yato said as he flung himself over to the phantom he took me in his hand and sliced one of the phantoms. It died.
"Woah it worked!" I said
"Yeah great idea you had (y/n)!" Yato praised me. Oh I love it when he does that!
"We still have like 10 to go"yukine reminded
"Well let's get going!" Yato says going back into action. We then finished killing all the phantoms.
"Ughhhhh I'm hungryyyy~" Yato whined
"Ok great revert us now" yukine said
"Oh yeah, revert yukine, (y/n)"
We returned normal and started to look for a place to get some food. I wanted (f/f), yukine wanted burgers and yato said anything would do. So being a lady I worked my magic!
"You guys are so mean! You won't let me get what I want because I'm a girl! Do you think I'm not able to choose for myself!?"
"W-what I never said that! We can get (f/f)-{fav food} I'm sorry" Yato said. I smiled.
"Thanks Yato!" I hugged him. I am trying to get him to choose me after all. We get to (the place that sells your fav food) and sit down to eat. We order our food and I wonder how Yato can't tell I like him if he can see my thoughts... I hope he doesn't know because I would die all over again!

"So what did you find when we split up (y/n)?" Yato asked. Should I tell him? I guess I should.
"T-There was this girl she...said she knew you and yukine..."
"Did she have black hair?" yato asked.
"Yes" I answered
"It was Nora!" yukine said angry
"I wish i would have been there!" he said
"It's fine she isn't here now" i say.
"You dont understand (y/n)! She did that to me too and and i almost ended up killing yato!" he says
"Oh I-I didn't know" i said. I finished my food and asked to be excused. I walked out and thought about everything that had happened.
I'm in a love battle with hiyori
Yato is still hot
I met yato's old regalia
Yukine blighted yato so much he almost died
I sigh. I went back inside and asked if they were ready to go. They were so i grabbed on to yato to teleport. Once we were back at Kofuku's I saw Kofuku talking to hiyori about who knows...
"Yuki! Yati! (k/f/n)!" she said as we came in.
"Hi!" we said together. 
"I'm tired...." i said.
" yeah i guess it is late..Hiyori maybe you should go home now?" yato said. I couldnt help but giggle.
"Oh! Um okay.. Bye you guys!"
"Bye!" they said. I was already walking up the stairs. I laid down and started to fall asleep. But of course yato came in.
"(Y/n)~~" he said
"Guess what!"
"I don't care...."
"We are gonna celebrate Christmas now!"
"Didn't you say we weren't doin that?"
"Yea but I wanna dress like santa.. and I got you and yukine elf outfits!"
"I am not wearing that"
"You'll see when we do it goodnight!"
"Goodnight" and with that I fell asleep.

I don't know what took me so long but the art isn't mine and I hope you enjoyed!

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