Chapter 7

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"I think that I...."

"Have to go the bathroom!" I quickly stood up. But yato brought me back down into the chair.

"Oh no you don't~" he smirked

"I-I'm scared okay!"

"Want me to go first?" I nodded "Okay fine, Y/n I like you. It's as simple as that. I don't wanna make this sappy or something."

"Ok then.. Yato I, Like you too!" i swear I must have been a tomato. Yato started to laugh at me.

"See it wasnt that hard!"

"Shut up it was difficult" I laughed with him.

Unknown to me at the moment kofuku, yukine and daikoku were watching the whole thing. I learned this later.

"You really do look nice tonight though~"

"Yeah i can see you didn't try" he was in the same thing he wore everyday,
That stupid sweatsuit!

"You know you love it!" He laughed. I really did like him. Everything about him. His attitude, how it could change just like that, his hair, I just want to pet it all day, and the eyes. I feel like his eyes could light up the night by themselves. I. Love him.

Yato was red.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Um, it's just I heard everything you just thought. You're still my regalia"

Now it was my turn to be red.

"Let's just pretend that never happened"

"Oh it happened sweetheart~" we laughed together.

He stood up. "Where you going?"

He walked over to me and held out his hand. "Allow me m'lady" I laughed and took his hand. He lead me to the water.



"I don't know if our relationship is even allowed but" he turned to face me "we'll make it work."

I couldn't say anything. I just stared into those eyes of his. Eyes that seemed to get closer, eyes that closed when our lips touched. I closed my eyes and eased into the kiss. We pulled away.

"I wish that would've been our first kiss" I smiled

"At least it's not our last" he smiled "ready to head inside?"

I shook my head. "No, I'll be inside in a sec" I needed to just think for a minute.

"Okay, goodnight"

"Night" I turned towards the water while yato walked away. I smirked "1 point for me, 0 for Hiyori"

I looked up st the sky when I heard a raindrop. That's never a good sign...

"So we meet again y/n.."


Tada~! I noticed a lot more people started reading this after I cut it off so I decided to continue it. I hope you don't mind the short chapter but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. But I do hope you enjoyed this anyway! Bye!

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