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"Do you like someone?"

Changbin turned his head to Felix and looked at him surprised.

"Why are you asking?"

Felix shrugged and played with his hair. Ever since they were at the cinema and Hyunjin had asked Changbin, why the other boy wouldn't tell his friend he has feelings for him, Felix couldn't forget about it.

"Because I'm your best friend and I'm interested in your love life", Felix chuckled. He stopped playing with his hair and looked at the pictures on Changbin's wall.

He still couldn't believe that the older boy had printed them out just to hang them on his wall.

Changbin laughed and looked at the pictures too.

"Aren't you getting tired of looking at my face?", Felix asked sighing and looked at a picture of him, that showed him eating ice cream.

"I could never get tired of your face", Changbin said and smiled fondly as he looked at a picture of Felix asleep, "you are way too beautiful for me to get tired of looking at your face, Lix."

Felix' cheeks quickly turned into the colour of ripe tomatoes.

"D-don't say that, Hyung", he stuttered and hugged a pillow to hide his blushing face.

Changbin tried to take the pillow away but Felix' grip onto the pillow was really strong. He sighed and put his chin onto the pillow - his face only a few inches away from Felix' and he was able to count his freckles, if he had wanted to.

"Why am I not allowed to say that, Lix?", the older boy huffed in a rather cute way and tried to make the younger boy smile.

"Because you are not my boyfriend, Hyung." Felix' voice was nothing but a whisper by now, "and I only want my boyfriend to call me beautiful."

"Then make me your boyfriend, because I won't stop calling you beautiful anytime soon."

Changbin looked directly into Felix' eyes and surprised the other with that sentence. He almost had a heart attack.

"Wait...did Hyunjin tell you?", Felix asked puzzled and sat up, trying to bring distance between them. "That's not funny, Hyung. I...I'm sorry."

"Tell me what? And why are you apologizing?", Changbin asked, "No, stay, Lix. Where are you going?"

"I will kill him...", Felix mumbled and was about to leave Changbin's room, but the older boy had grabbed his wrist and turned him around.

"I asked you, where are you going?", Changbin repeated and closed his bedroom door.

"What about the boy's best friend from your story yesterday?", Changbin reminded the younger boy and pulled him closer.

"What about him? You would never return those feelings." Felix was so upset, about Hyunjin telling Changbin about his crush, even though he didn't even know if that really happened, that he didn't notice his confession.

"So you really do like me?", Changbin asked, ignoring Felix' emotional outburst.

"Is that everything you care about now?", Felix asked, looking hurt, "That I have a fucking crush on you? Aren't you disgusted by me?"

A single tear ran down his freckled cheek and he tried to escape Changbin's tight grip - but he failed.

"Hey, Lix, stop crying. Please...", Changbin said and cupped Felix' cheeks.

The younger boy stared into the older boys eyes and sniffled quietly.

"What are you going to do now, Binnie?", Felix croaked, "Will you end our friendship? Because if you hate me now for being gay, I don't think we can stay friends. Especially after you found out about my crush on you."

"Lix, I-", Changbin tried to say but Felix continued talking.

"I just want you to know, that, if you really don't want us to be friends anymore, I truly am in love with you", a heartbreaking sob left Felix' throat and it was hard for Changbin to listen, "so please, just let me go, to make this easier for me."

"Hey, Lix, would you please stop talking nonsense?", Changbin chuckled and Felix looked at him with a confused expression. 


"I told you to stop talking nonsense, Lix", Changbin repeated himself and looked up into Felix' swollen eyes.

The tears wouldn't stop running down his cheeks and Changbin gently wiped them away with his thumb.

"The boy's best friend in your story", the older boy started again, "what if he would return those feelings?"

Felix sniffled.

"Return those feelings?", he asked quietly and avoided Changbin's eyes. He was afraid to look at him - so he didn't see Changbin nodding.

The older boy sighed and said: "Yes, return those feelings, Lix."

Finally the younger boy looked at Changbin.

"What if I told you, I like you too? I wasn't joking about you making me your boyfriend", Changbin whispered and a smile started to form on his lips when he saw Felix' eyes widening.

"You can't be serious", Felix said, "this must be a joke."

"No, this isn't a joke, Lix."

"Really...?" Felix' voice was only above a whisper, but Changbin had heard him and nodded.

"So the best friend of the boy is in love with him?", Felix asked.

"Yes, the best friend of the boy is in love with him."

Changbin liked to say exactly the same sentence as Felix to make the younger boy believe what he was saying.

"You love me?"

"I do."


Changbin huffed.

"I won't answer that question, Lix. Just take it as it is and let me be your boyfriend, so that I can call you beautiful all day long."

The younger boy pouted and had to smile afterwards. He couldn't believe what was happening at the moment.

Too many feels rushed through his body and he was afraid.

"You're really not joking?", he asked again and the older boy rolled his eyes.

"Why would I be joking? I'm your best friend. I wouldn't want to hurt you. Never."

Changbin sighed quietly and looked at Felix with so much love in his eyes.

"Do you want me to prove it?"

A shy nod from the younger boy made Changbin lean in and gently place his lips on Felix' soft ones.

Their kiss lasted only a few seconds but to them it was more than that.

"Boyfriend?", Changbin whispered.


"You are beautiful."

Felix hugged him tightly and Changbin let his fingers run through the younger boy's hair.

"You truly are beautiful, Lix."

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