23. Sir Reuben the Coward

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Ayla watched Reuben anxiously. She had just finished telling him about the grappling hook, and now his forehead lay in creases. He was obviously worried about something.

“Reuben? What is it?”

“How high is your castle wall, exactly?” he suddenly demanded.

“The outer wall?”


“I couldn't say... You would have to ask Isenbard. Why?”

Reuben shook his head. “It may be nothing, but I'd like to talk to him. Could you send him in here to talk to me?” He grinned. “I don't think my guards would take kindly to me wanting to take another stroll out of my room, considering the rather forceful way I asked their permission last time.”

“You mean bashing in their faces?”

He grinned.

“Yes, exactly.”

Ayla had to fight the urge to grin back at him. This wasn’t supposed to be funny. But it still kind of was, in a way she felt very guilty about.

But then the urge to smile left her. He still thought he was being guarded. She took a deep breath. This was the moment to tell him of her decision.

“There will be no more guards stationed outside your room from this moment on.”

There was a moment of silence, during which Reuben looked at her steadily.

“So you finally trust me?”

“Trust you?” She let out a choked giggle. “Never in a thousand years! I just don't want any more of my men to have their ribs squashed and noses broken!”

Reuben let out a bark of laughter, Ayla joined in, and soon they were both howling with laughter. It felt good to laugh again, after so long a time.

“A very wise policy, Milady,” chuckled the robber knight.

Ayla tried to contain her mirth and look at him sternly. “We shouldn't be laughing about this. And you should apologize to the men you injured.”

Reuben snorted derisively. “Why in the Devil's name would I do that?”

“Because you injured them! And I told you not to swear in my castle!”

“They were in my way. And I'll swear wherever I damn well please!”

“You could have asked them to step aside. And this is my castle, and you will abide by my rules.”

“Considering that you had a knife at your throat at the time, I didn't think it was the time for polite conversation. And I don't follow the rules of God, the Pope or the Emperor—so why should I follow those of a little lady like yourself?”

“If you had explained everything, they would have helped you. And as for your question… Let me think... hmm, maybe because the little lady will have you put in the stocks if you don't?”

He quirked an eyebrow. With tangles of dark hair hanging into his face, he looked unbelievably devious and desirable. Ayla ached to reach out and touch him, hold him—but she restrained herself. Last night she had only sought comfort in his arms, but she knew that if she touched him now, it would be for more than comfort. For things that were forbidden.

“They would only have been in my way,” Reuben told her. “And your threats of punishment are getting less impressive day by day. First it was hanging, then being thrown out of a window, and now only the stocks?” He smirked at her. “You should really try to be more creative.”

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