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(ehsan pictured above)


The night had ended with Aria promising to text me and actually following up a few days later. It's been weeks since the accident, and Aria and I have been spending nights together every few days. Whenever one of us was in the mood, we knew where to go. The change was nice. I no longer spent my days searching for someone to bring home or having to endure the most boring dates just for a chance to get lucky. It felt like I was a free man.

I was actually headed to meet up with her right now. She apparently had a medical management class and needed my help on her presentation. Apparently, I was the closest thing she could get to 'someone who knew what they were doing'. We didn't normally hang out during the day, but hey, she was a friend in need.

I jog up to her table in the cafe we first we properly introduced in. She was seated next to the latina girl and the football player dude. It seemed she was always surrounded by her friends. She looks up as I reach the table and smile. "Hey, Avan! This is Ehsan and Myra. They're just leaving." Myra grins at me slyly and waves as Ehsan simply nods. They got up quickly and began to leave. Before he left, Ehsan calls over, "Aria, let me know if you need anything, okay?" She nods without much attention to his words waving him away.

I sat down and plant a kiss on her lips as Ehsan turns away with disgust. She looks at me with confusion. "What the hell was that?"

"Nothing. Just saying hi."

She seems to buy the excuse and pushes her laptop in front of me. "Ok, whatever. How's the presentation look?"

"Did you really use Microsoft PowerPoint?" I laugh at the unnecessary animations on random slides as she shoves me.

And so time passes and we drink coffee and finish her presentation. She begins to pack up her pencils, and I stop her. "Babe?"

"What's up?"

"I'll see you tonight right?"

She stops packing her things and gives me her full attention. Her doe shaped eyes look apologetic. "No, actually. I'm busy."

We'd spent almost every night this week in each other's company, so I was surprised tonight would be any different. "You have a date or something?"

She eyes me curiously before replying, " No... I'm just busy. Not that it's any of your business." Aria grabs the remaining items and left. Why was she being so secretive?


I knew boundaries had to be set with Avan. Him helping me with my presentation pushes a line that we have not crossed yet. For now, we were friends with benefits- lacking friendship. I need us to stay this way, so I could stay focused and keep my time occupied with the people that actually cared about me.

I grab my bag and ran out of the cafe towards Alex's apartment. I was already late for our movie night and honestly, my friends were not too forgiving of my perpetual tardiness. I held a cheap bottle of wine and swung open the door. "So sorry! I know I'm late."

They all groan and chuck pillows at me. "When are you not?" scolds Rahim from the couch where Myra sits on his lap. She laughs and stuffs popcorn in his mouth to shut him up.

"I know.. I know..." I groan. "But I brought drinks!" I raise the bottle of wine.

"Bitch, I bought that wine!" yells Safia when seeing the label.

I sat on the blanket covered floor near Alex's roommate, Pete. We watch the first two Harry Potter movies until I receive a call from my neighbor. "Hello, Margery?" I receive a glare from the rest of the group as I stand up to make my way towards the kitchen to take the call.

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