Chapter One- The Fight.

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"It isn't fair!!" I scream.

"Isn't fair? What about this isn't fair?" my mom wants to know.

"Mom, I'm not a baby!! Stop treating me like one!!" I yell back.

"Storm. This is a big thing. You asked for a CELL PHONE. I can't just give you one because you asked!! You're in 7th grade. I told you already, you aren't getting one until you're a freshman!" Mom says.

"But MOM!! Why can't I have one? I'm responsible!! I proved that! I get good grades, do my homework, take care of my chores without complaining, and I follow all your stupid rules!! So why can't I have one?" I shoot back.

"We've been over this already, Storm. You're not old enough. You're responsible, yes, but no cell until highschool. End of discussion." She says firmly, and I know there's no talking her out of it.

"Fine!! You never let me do anything or have anything I want!! I hate you!!" I scream, stomping up the stairs to my room.

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