4-I'm Sorry

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(back to shinsou's POV)

A throbbing pain woke me up, my face subconsciously distorted into one of discomfort before I even opened my eyes.

The bright lights blinded me for a second, they soon adjusted letting me see that I'm in the recovery room. Both my arms were bandaged up and Aizawa Sensei was sitting next to the bed, his head in his hands.

"Aizawa sensei?" I managed to croak out.

Aizawa slowly lifted his head and didn't say a word. He stared at me for a few seconds before saying


Tears slowly started to well up in my eyes. I didn't mean to, I didn't want to die.

"it was an accident, I didn't mean to cut so deep, I don't want to die. I wasn't trying to die. " I sobbed.

Aizawa was taken aback by my tears. He seemed to hesitate for a second before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"if you need to talk to anyone about anything you can stop by my classroom okay? And if you'd like you can come in and hang out during lunch. "

Aizawa gave a soft smile as I wiped away my tears.

"thank you sensei"


We sat in silence for a few more minutes then Aizawa said he had to go teach his class. I'm going to have to stay here overnight until recovery girl can heal me in the morning.
As Aizawa was about to walk through the door he paused.

"I'll let your teachers know that you won't be attending class the rest of today and tomorrow."

"Oh, thanks sensei"

"No problem kid, just keep your chin up, Life gets better. Even if it doesn't seem like it does, it will. "

After that, he walked out.

I know life gets better, life, as it is now, is OK, I just want something more to it than just this. 

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