Kapitel 7

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21-11-2016 4:34 PM

(Joanne Loréy ^)

It's been a week since the last murders, no new clues have been found and James has only been at work for the last two days so I had decided to go to him.


I knock on the wooden door that leads into James' apartment. The beige folder I'm holding with what we know so far about the murders and also some credentials on the recent victim, I have it to update James with. Well, if he opens the door. After a little while the door opens and James peaks out, he looks exhausted. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a white tank top.

- I didn't mean to bother you, I just thought I would go over what you missed today, you know, keep you up with the case. I awkwardly say and hold up the folder a little to show him it. James push open the door before walking into the dark apartment. I follow him inside and close the door after me before walking up to him. We end up in the kitchen were the kitchen light is glimmering slightly.

I walk over to the table and sit down. James walks to the counter and leans against it.

- How are you? I ask to ease the tension build up.

- Did you talk to Kyle? James asks, completely avoiding my question. I give him a weird look.

- Yes, I learned that Jane was his lover and coincidentally, Hailey Row was also a mans lover. Hailey also was killed with a copper blade. I say and clear my throat. James grunts.

- Anything else? James ask without as much of a reaction. Did I upset him?

- No, that's all for now. I say and stand up again. An awkward silence settles over us. After a while I can't help but open my mouth.

- How are you? I ask and James grunts and straightens his posture.

- Freaking fine. Super. He says and walks past me. As he walks by a familiar smell of whiskey reaches me.

- Have you been drinking? I ask him and follow him.

- No. He says and and turns left into a room. I follow him and find myself in his living room.

- Don't lie, I can smell it on you. I reply and cross my arms over my chest. James walks up yo a window and scoffs.

- Then why did you ask if I had been drinking? He sarcastically says. I frown.

- What's the matter with you? I ask and take a step forward. James shrugs.

- Just leave. He says after a while. His words shock me.

- No, I won't leave. You've been out of work for the last three days so I won't leave until you tell me why. I protest and take another step forward.

- I've been sick. People get sick. James says an looks at me annoyed.

- No you haven't, don't lie to me. I say and stare him down. He doesn't respond.

- I know about your brother James. I say after a while and it's like James freezes. He stares at me like I just stabbed him, pain shoots through his eyes.

- Don't be mad at Joe, I made him tell me. I say, I know I shouldn't lie but the last thing I want is for James to be mad at Joe.

James remains quiet. The tension is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. But just like that something clicks in him and he clenches his fists and straighten his arms.

- Don't talk about it. He says while gesturing, he holds up a finger like a mother does to her child when she is scolding them. James looks angry, stressed, sick and scared. Instead of responding him I push away his arms and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug. He doesn't do anything for a while but after some seconds his arms wraps around me.

James shakes in the hug which makes me hold him tighter and I nuzzle his neck. We don't say anything, only standing in the moment. James has gone through something I can't even imagine and I assume that fever and alcohol isn't doing it easier for him.

He tries to hold up this facade that he is strong and collected but really he is just hiding behind a shell of emotion and expectation.

I don't know what it is about this man, maybe it is just curiosity. But he is a mystery that I am determined to solve. I can feel his pain, his sorrow which only makes me wonder more. What happened to him?

I pull away from him a little bit, just enough for me to see his face. He has dark circles under his eyes and a three day beard. His hair is messy and his eyes filed with sadness.

- I'm not going to make you talk about it, no pressure but just know that I am here for you. I can see how it troubles you. I whisper to him and he doesn't say anything in respond he only looks away from me.

- But you shouldn't drink when you're sick moron. I then says which makes him break into a small smile.

- I couldn't sleep. James says.

- I thought some whiskey would help me sleep, it only made it worse. James says and the smile fades.

- Then you should go rest. I say to him and ler my hands fall down and search for his. I find them and hold them gently and look him straight in the eye.

- No more alcohol, promise. I say. James nods.

- Promise. James whispers.

We just stand there for a while until I get him to go to his bedroom. James has a high fever and needs to cool down. I give him an ice pack to place on his forehead to breakdown the fever.

- You should never drink with a fever James, it's really dangerous. I sigh whilst holding the pack gently on his skin. James shrugs were he sits on the bed.

- I know, I just- He starts to say but goes quiet.

- You don't have to tell me. I say after a while. I keep stroking his forehead gently. James grabs my hand with the ice pack and removes it from him but he keeps holding my hand.

- Why are you doing this? He asks and sighs. His question bothers me, it bothers me so much I can feel the irritation rash under my skin.

- Why would you even ask me that? I reply and frown at him. James raises an eyebrow at me.

- I didn't mean to upset you or anything I was just wondering. James says and looks down at the ice pack in my hand. I pull back my hand from him and stand up.

- Maybe I should go. I say and give him the ice pack.

- Can't you stay? James almost whispers. I shake my head.

- I should go, you need to rest. I say before turning my heal and leave his apartment. Such a strange feeling fills me as I walk across the pavement leaving James.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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