Kapitel 3

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13-11-2016 5:44PM

(James Marshall)

- Maybe we should call in the vic's husband? Joe suggests.

- Yeah, the daughter too. I'm sure they don't want to hear about this on the news. It's better we tell them face to face. Joanne says and looks through the case file.

- Okay, I'll send out an Officer to get them. I say and walk of over to chief Main's office.

- My team and I has come to an agreement. We are going to send for the vic's family. We think that it's best for them to hear about this face to face. And I want to talk to the husband, I want to know why the vic was here. I say and walk up to Chief who is sitting by his desk. He looks up from his computer and rubbs his stubble.

- Well, good for you but what do you want from me? He says and leans on his chair.

- Your authorisation sir, to fly the family over. I say and clear my throat. Chief sighs.

- Fine. Now go, you have a case to solve. I'll get the family here. He says and waves me away. I leave his Office and return to Joanne and Joe.

- Well we have his concent. I say and look over at Joanne. She nods.

- Good. She says and sighs.

- I knew her, and her family well. They will be devestated. Joanne mutters. I walk over to her and place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

- I know. That's the worst part about this job. Telling someone their loved one's are diseased. I say. Joe hums in the background.

- Well, I for one have some uppdates. The results came back from the tissue sample. Joe says after a while. I look over at him and so does Joanne.

- Shoot. Joanne says.

- Well, you know how I said that there were no visible bacteria or dirt but the result came back and the wound is crawling with small microfibers of copper. Joe says and pulls up a picture on the projector of a microscopic view of the copper molecules.

- Copper? Joanne repeats.

- So that means that the weapon of use is made of copper. Copper is a weak metall, is there even anyone who makes copper tools anymore? I say and look over at Joe.

- I looked that up as well and it turns out that there was a shop in town that hand made and sold copper blades, for axes and knifes but it closed down six years ago because it didn't get enough income to substain. Joe explains and changes the picture from molecules to a picture of an old shop and prosumably the shopowner.

- That's the shopowner and blacksmith George Callwell. Now he passed away right after the shop closed. They said he comitted suicide and slit his throat with one of his own knifes but an exact weapon of use were never found. And apparently there were more blades missing but never reported stolen. It was never investigated. Joe says and points to the shop and the old shopowner.

- Why was it never investigated? Joanne asks.

- It didn't say. Joe answers and shuts down the projector.

- Has he any relatives? I ask.

- Yes, he has a son but he doesn't live here anymore. Joe says and turns off his computer.

- Where is he now? I say and starts to shut off my own computer.

- He moves away when his father died, he lives about three miles out of town. Pretty isolated from everything. Joe says.

- Send me the adress and we'll check it out tomorrow. Joanne says and starts to walk to the door.

- Will do! Joe says before Joanne leaves. I walk after her.

- What do you think about that suicide? I ask her. She shifts her shoulders.

- I have no comment yet, I will have to wait and see untill tomorrow to answer that question. Joanne answers.

After drivning Joanne to the hotell she is staying at I went home to sleep. I was exhausted and hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I walked up the stairs and up to my door and unlocked it. I went inside and threw myself on the couch. It didn't take long for my stomach to rumble.

With a grunt I get up from the couch again and head to the kitchen.


14-11-2016 7:02 AM

(Joanne Loréy)

I've just finished getting ready for today when my phone rings. I take it up from my pocket and answer it.

- Loréy. I say and place the phone between my shoulder and ear as I put on my shoes.

- Good morning Joanne. James says.

- Good morning. Are you waiting downstairs? I ask and finish tying my shoe.

- Yes. I'm outside in the car, are you ready soon? James asks and a faint static noise appears. It went away as quickly as it appeared.

- Okay, I'll be down there in two minutes tops. I say and grab my computer purse and handbag before leaving the hotellroom.
Outside James is leaning on his car smoking. I walk up to him and takes his cigarette and throw it on the ground.

- Hey! Why did you do that for? He says with an irritated expression.

- Smoking is bad for you and it also affects people around you. I don't want to get cancer. I say before entering the car. James enters the car on his side and starts the car.

- Are you ready to tell the family? James asks after a while of driving.

- Are you ever ready to tell someone that? I say in respons. James sighs.

- No. It breaks ones heart every time. They are at the station now. He says and then falls silent. The rest of the drive is silent but its not an awkward silence, it's comfortable. Except for the fact that she is incredibly nervous to face Kyle and Tina. How do you say that Kyle's wife is murdered and even worse, how do you tell a child their mother is dead.

I look over at James. studying his face. He has a chiseled jawline and high cheekbones. Dark green eyes. Not that I would ever tell him but he is actually quite beautiful. He has a small stubble and bags under his eyes, he is obviously overworked and tired. Maybe he doesn't sleep well. 

- Tell me about yourself. I say after a while. James quickly glances over at me before looking back at the road.

- Whats there to say. He replies. 

- Well, something. If we are going to work with each other we should get to know each other. I say. James sighs. 

- Well, I'm 30 years old. Live alone with my cat, he hates me, the feeling is mutual though. My parents are living in Texas. James says after a while. 

- How about you? He adds. 

- I'm 28, I currently live with my sister back in New York. I have no pets, my dad lives in Boston and my mom died of leukemia five years ago. I say and looks out to the busy morning traffic. 

- I'm sorry to hear that. James says. I give him a friendly smile. 

- Don't be. She is fine now, where ever she is. I say and look back at the road. The rest of the drive is quiet. 

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