Kapitel 6

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14-11-2016 11:34

(Joanne Loréy)

With a quick pace a rush into officer Main's Office, or rather Chief Main now. Chief Main gives me a tired look as I enter.

- George Callwell's death was ruled a suicide when there was evidente of murder, why? I ask angrily. Main clears his throat.

- Detective Loréy, watch your tone. Is all he says which makes my skin boil.

- Don't avoid my question Main. Why was it ruled a suicide? I repeat myself.

- It is not your job to dig through old cases Loréy. He says.

- No, My job is to uncover the truth and right know you're witholding it. I can get you fired for with holding the truth from a police officer. I say and place my arms over my chest. Chief Main glares at me.

- Is that a threat? He says and stands up. I shake my head in a sigh.

- It's just the truth, tell me why and keep your job or refuse to tell and you will be arrested and fired for witholding. I say and glare at him. Chief Main seems to think about it before sitting down again.

- Fine, no murder weapon was found and no trace of another person except him and his son was in the house. He says and I scoff.

- If no weapon was found the more the reason to investigate. And why not question the son, I mean he was the only one home with the victim at the time of the murder? I ask irritated.

- We did question him, he did not kill his father. And the weapon, if there is not something to investigate we can't investigate. Chief Main replies with a sigh. The anger rumbles inside me and I forcefully place my hands on his desk.

- The Fuck! You didn't investigate! You just ruled it of as a suicide! There is no reports, no photos no nothing from the death scene. I say and James enter the room. James looks at me and then at Chief Main.

- I suggest you back down Loréy, or you will find yourself suspended from this case. Chief Main says with a threatning voice. James clears his throat and steps forward.

- Actually, Main, you are suspended until further notice. James says and Main turns to face him.

- What? He says.

- After I learned that you handled the death of George Callwell I took the liberty to look into some of your other cases and it turns out that six out of thirteen cases were tempered or not even investigated. One case, the death of Casey Morgan, you didn't even show up for the 911 call. Your assistent showed up instead. James says and throws a bunch of files on Main's desk. Main gives me a look, a look of confusion, realisation and fear?

- You can't...Main mutters and looks at the files.

- You don't understand, you can't suspend me. Main says. Something in his voice..it's.. I shake my head. James looks at me before looking back at Main.

- I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Main. James says, his voice is cold and icy, I almost don't recognise him.

Chief Main sighs and puts up his hands. They are shaking badly.

- Fine. He says before walking out angrily. I look over at James who looks pleased.

- Why would you do that? I ask. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

- What? James says.

- I was in the middle of questioning him! Why would you interupt?! I raise my voice at him and he flings back.

- You were about to get suspended Joanne! James replies, clearly getting annoyed.

- He couldn't, he doesn't have the authority, my departement only gets to make those desicions. I reply and walk over to the door.

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