Chapter 6

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Taemin woke up and gasped. "J-Jonghyun!"

Minho jumped awake. They were both dressed, thankfully. "Why are you back so late?"

Taemin blushed.

"Why are you two sleeping together?" Jonghyun asked.

"Taemin got scared, so he's sleeping with me." Minho said.

Taemin blushed even harder.

"Oh, okay," Jonghyun said. "Is he sleeping here with you tonight?"

Taemin sat up. "I actually feel better. I'm going to go back to my dorm."

"Okay, I'll walk you to your room." Minho said.

Taemin nodded. "Okay..." He smiled and led Minho out. He stood by his door and looked at him. "Night,"

"Goodnight." Minho smiled and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well."

Taemin smiled. "You too."

Minho smiled and went to bed.

The next day came and Taemin had a huge test. He was freaking out because he didn't study. He woke up extra early to study.

Dae woke up from the light. "What are you doing?"

"I'm studying. I haven't studied in a while and I need to." Taemin said.

"Oh, okay." Dae said and went back to sleep.

Taemin studied until it was time for school. He left after Dae.

Minho ran into Taemin and smiled. "Hey,"

Taemin smiled and yawned. "Morning,"

Minho frowned. "Did you not sleep?"

Taemin shook his head. "I had to study. I haven't studied for a while and I need to. I have a test today."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've been keeping you busy."

Taemin shook his head. "It's not your fault. I like hanging out with you. You're my boyfriend."

Minho smirked. "And you're mine."

Taemin blushed. "I love you."

"I love you too." Minho kissed his cheek. "I'll see you later."

Taemin smiled. "Okay, bye." He pecked Minho on the lips and went to his class. He sat down and got his notes out.

Dae smiled at him. "You're smiling."

Taemin smiled. "I am. I'm so happy."

"So your boyfriend does go here!" Dae said.

Taemin blushed. "No!"

"Is he on the soccer team with Minho?"

Taemin smiled. "Maybe, I'm not telling you anything!" He needed to make sure Dae didn't find out about him and Minho.

"I want to know!" Dae smiled.

Taemin smiled. "You can't!"

Dae pouted.

Taemin giggled. "Maybe one day."

"I want to know now!" Dae pouted.

Taemin giggled. "No!" He looked at Minho. "I can tell you that he's the greatest person ever." Taemin sighed and looked at Dae.

"No, Minho's the best. So he can't be the best."

Taemin smiled. "He is in my mind."

Dae frowned. "I want to know."

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