Chapter 1

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Minho smiled at the young boy in his lap. "Time to wake up, yobo. We're almost there."

"Five more minutes." The young boy groaned.

Minho laughed. "We're almost to the school."

"Okay," The young boy said as he sat up.

Minho smiled and kissed him gently.

"I hope we get dorms near each other."

"I do too, Dae." Minho smiled and Dae smiled back. They soon arrived at the school and got out. They went straight to the housing assignments.

"We got rooms across from each other!" Dae smiled.

"Then we'll see each other all the time!" Minho smiled back. "Let's go!"

Dae and Minho walked to the dorm. Minho had his arm wrapped around Dae, lovingly. When they got to the rooms, they split ways. Minho went into his room to see his two roommates already there, fighting.

"I want the single bed." Key yelled. "I don't want to be under someone and I don't like the top bunk."

"I was here first so I get it!" Jonghyun yelled back.

"I can't control traffic. I want the single bed!" Key yelled back.

Jonghyun huffed. "No! I'm older and a grade higher! You can't disrespect me! Stupid third year."

"Hey! I'm not stupid!" Key yelled. "I'm richer than you."

"I've had this dorm and the single bed my whole year last year and I'm not going to let a stupid third year take it! This is my bed!"

"I always had the single bed too!" Key yelled.

Minho sighed and shook his head.

Jonghyun huffed. "You better learn your place. You're just a baby!"

"I am not!" Key yelled.

Jonghyun huffed. "Fine! Just stay out of my way!" He threw his bag on the top bunk.

Key smiled in relief and set his stuff on the bed.

Jonghyun looked at Minho. "Great, another first year. What's your name?"

"It's Minho and I'm a third year. You can have the bottom bed if you want. I don't care."

Jonghyun shook his head. "It's fine." He got up to his bed.

Minho started unpacking.

Dae went into his room. He only had one roommate. "Hi, I'm Dae!"

Taemin smiled at him. "Hello, I'm Taemin. Are you in high school?"

"I'm a 2nd year." Dae smiled.

"Oh, I'm a third year." Taemin said.

"Wow, I've never roomed with anyone older than me. I've shared a room at home with Minho a few times, but that's all."

"Minho? You mean the soccer player?! You know him?!" Taemin asked.

"We're engaged. We've been engaged since I was two."

Taemin frowned. "O-oh...."

"He's really nice." Dae smiled.

Taemin nodded slowly. "Which bed do you want?"

"I'll chose right!"

Taemin nodded. "Okay," He set his stuff down. He then took out his books and notebooks, and put them in his desk. He started to read.

Dae sighed and unpacked. Taemin studied, he was always studying.

Dae frowned. He went across the hall and knocked on the door. Minho opened the door and smiled. "Hi, Dae."

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