Bubbles In The Rain

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~:|A few days later|:~

{Y/n's POV}

I didn't intend to fall asleep tonight, so I went outside to enjoy the fresh patio air from the night breeze. I went back inside to grab my bubbles. I knew I'd have to use them so I was feeling a little; emotionless at the moment. I went back out with them in hand, placing them on a high table almost close to the edge of the patio, being careful to not spill them. I was just wondering about thought, what if Sonic didn't defeat Tails? He would've taken me, or worse, make me his personal lover...

I shook it off, twisting the lid to the bottle of the bubbles. I then took out the bubble wand which oddly seemed to be averagely huge compared to the bottle. I then didn't worry about it, then double dipped the wand into the bottle of bubbles, then blowing them out into the air. I repeated. After a few minutes of repeating and doing so, it started to sprinkle, which gave me a sign it was going to rain. I couldn't care, since I was just blowing away a bubble. But, every time I did, it was either popped by the rain or that the fact it consumed water and then sunk to the ground below, which was now mostly rubble from the fight Sonic and tails had.

I noticed a head-over umbrella that was made for porch lounging. I opened it up, then placed the bottle of bubbles on the table stand, right after getting under it. I sat in one of the chairs that wasn't completely wet, after drying it with a rag I found nicely folded. When I sat down, a breath escaped my lips or you could call it pretty much me getting winded from the process.

I stared into the now destroyed backyard, making me feel like it needed to picked up or even updated. I thought again and didn't bother. I finally closed the bubbles, and placed them on the other end of the tabletop.

I lounged in my chair, then slouched, then closed my eyes of boredom. I noticed by how much I really couldn't show my emotion on this night. I felt tired finally, but then decided to continue looking into the fogged, mistified rain. I was comfortable, taking out the phone from the pocket of my (f/c) sweat jacket. I checked the time. 11:09. I sighed deeply once again, putting the phone back into its place.

I felt some type of presence around me whenever I'm out here. I don't know why, but I just ignore it. I place the hoodie of my jacket over my head, covering my (h/l)(h/c). I walked back into the rain, holding onto the bars of railing, to prevent me from falling.

I then heard a creak of the patio door open, my ears pinning down and feeling someone behind me. I sighed, for the millionth time, then turned around. I saw Sonic, tired and a bit concerned. "Hey, you know what time it is, right, (Y/n)?". I didn't bother to answer. I just nodded, then sat back in my chair. "...." Sonic said nothing and went back inside. I thought he went back to bed, but he came back out with a dark blue sweater, his head covered with a hoodie as well.

He sat across the table from me, noticing the bubbles I brought out here. I looked at him, seeing him look back at me, but with more worried. "Hey, are you okay? You need something?", He asked. "Yes, just can't sleep tonight.....". He changed his worried expression and calmed down a bit. "Okay, but please try getting some sleep, I don't want you to be tired in the morning. I don't want to see a sorrowful face, especially one that I love." He smiled, grabbing hold of one of my palms from my hand on the table. I smiled back, getting up and going around the table next to him. Sonic stood up and hugged me, them holding both of my hands in his. He kissed me for the second time, except with a bit of worried feelings.  He led me to the edge of the patio, quickly walking to get the bubbles and came back and pulled the wand out, then tried blowing a bubble, which did not last long.

This time, he had a large, yet light container full of water, then placed it on the table, assuring me to sit. "Sit down, I wanna show you something.." he said respectfully. He blew another set of bubbles, with me looking and being curious as of what he was showing me. I put down my hoodie, feeling tiny droplets; a few, get on my (h/c) and ears, making them pins to the side from my confusion.

When the bubbles were blown, they landed in the container and made little tops on the water, making me gasp quietly. He then showed me how to do it and put the lid back on the bottle. I was amazed, very strangely, and he chuckled about it.

He saw me in a daze, grabbing hold of my hand and reassuring me up, back into the castle, with the bubbles in other hand. I was happy again, letting myself get closer to him. I was let back to his room, knowing I was tired, and I went into the bed, after taking off my jacket and placing it on one of the desks he had. I waited for him to get into the bed, after he did take off his own sweater and shoes. I smiled, very tiredly and was cuddled by the Blue Blur, me falling into a sleep. "Goodnight, (Y/n)~" Is all he said, then kissed me on my forehead, and covered us both and went to bed.


I'm so sorry guys this was short, but this was all I get some time into ^^'

Though, I had the idea for this chapter when I was outside. It started raining and the usual, and the same thing, I was blowing bubbles everywhere XD

When the rain stopped, I then thought of the idea, since this is one of my weirdest feelings I get when I'm alone. Now you'll know my experience when I'm outside.

FYI, I managed to get 1,053 words in this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it ^^


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