Chapter 4: Deviancy

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Connor sits nervously outside Kamski's office, back straight and posture perfect as he and Hank wait for the android to return. The Lieutenant eyes him curiously, looking him up and down as Connor gazes at the photos in the room. "Could you not sit so fucking..." Hank waves his hand, "stiffly? It's making me uncomfortable."

Connor looks over to Hank, then stands, deciding to roam around the room instead. He can feel the detective's eyes following him as though trying to gauge the android's mood. "Are you feeling better today?" Hank asks, leaning back in the sofa.

"Yes, thanks to you, Lieutenant." he answers honestly, smiling a little at his partner's concern.

Hank nods, returning the smile. "Cole kept asking me this morning to make sure you were alright. The kid really likes you."

Connor gives him a look of surprise. "Really? I... didn't think I would leave such an impression."

Hank just shrugs, "Well, he's been wanting me to buy an android for some time now. Says all the kids at school have one and he wants to have one too."

"An android does have it's benefits," Connor says, pacing the room, "for example an AX400 is capable of housework, childcare, and even helping with student's homework all at an affordable price."

"Did they really program fucking advertisements into you?" Hank says with a raised brow, "Besides I don't need some tin can. I can do all that stuff on my own."

Connor gives the Lieutenant a smirk, "I find that hard to believe, Lieutenant. Your home was... in a moderate state of cleanliness."

Hank rolls his eyes, but before he can retort Kamski's android walks back into the room, inviting them in. Connor turns to the door following the android into a large room with a swimming pool. A man is at the opposite end of the pool, a man that - with a quick scan - Connor identifies as Elijah Kamski.

It takes another minute, but eventually Kamski exits his pool and comes up to greet the two detectives. Within the first few exchanges between Hank and the inventor Connor can already tell they weren't about to get any information out of him. There's a peculiar nature about that man, a mysteriousness that Connor can't quite place. Kamski clearly knows more than he lets on, choosing to hide his intentions behind flowery dialogue rather than answering questions properly.

It doesn't take long for Hank to grow irritated with the inventor. Another minute longer and the Lieutenant would have stormed from the room, but before the older detective can get the chance Kamski turns to look at Connor, eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What about you, Connor?" the inventor asks, strolling over to the android, "Whose side are you on?"

Connor doesn't miss the way Hank's heart rate jumps at the question, doesn't miss the tension in his shoulders, and the way he seems ready to bail the android out at any moment. Connor's grateful to have the man at his back. 

Connor tries to answer the question's Kamski throws his way the best he can, tries to give the answers that the inventor is looking for, but none of it seems to work. Kamski's always one step ahead of him, always knows how to trip him up and Connor's about to give in on getting information out of the man when Kamski surprises him again. 

The Kamski test. A test for empathy in androids.

He walks up to Connor, placing the gun in his hand before positioning it till he's aimed right in-between Chloe's eyes. "Destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know. Or spare it," he moves now, walking behind Connor as he gauges his reaction, "if you think it's alive, but you'll leave here without having learnt anything from me."

Hank doesn't say anything, he just stares at the inventor. He glances over to Connor, worried and yet curious at the answer.

"What's more important to you, Connor?" Kamski asks, an amused lilt to his voice as he circles the RK800, "Your investigation, or the life of this android?"

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