Chapter 3: Mission Accomplished...?

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As promised Hank shows up late to work the next day and if it hadn't been for the android broadcast around noon he most likely wouldn't have shown up at all. He grumbles as he enters the elevator with Connor, muttering about stupid deviants and ruining his time with his son as the elevator takes them up to the top floor.

With nothing to do in the cramped space Connor finds himself bringing out his coin, starting to play with it between his fingers before Hank roughly grabs it out of his hand. "You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Connor," Hank grumbles, tucking the coin away in his pocket, "And after you showed it to Cole that's all he does. I caught him playing with that thing during breakfast."

Connor almost asks about Cole's progress on the coin tricks, but ultimately decides against it based off the detective's sour mood. Instead he looks away and faces the doors. "Sorry, Lieutenant."

The doors open, revealing the mess of officers lining the halls, trying to be the first to solve the case. The investigation progresses the same as any other. Connor examines each piece of evidence, reconstructing the crime scene as best he can with the limited amount of information available. The deviants had only shot one person in the hall. A worker who, judging from the angle of the shot that killed him, must have escaped. According to the broadcast towers security no one had been present in the room when they arrived.

Connor frowns then heads towards the kitchen to interrogate the android workers that had been present. He walks in to find three identical androids waiting for him, all staring towards the opposite wall as stoic as a statue. He goes through them one by one, questioning each until he spots the subtle twitch of the eye. A sideways look from the android on the far left. He stands in front of the suspect, eyeing the android up and down for a brief moment before the deviant launches forward.

Connor is pushed back against the counter, body being held down by the deviant as the JB300 reaches to his chest and rips out his thirium pump. Before Connor gets a chance to respond the deviant grabs a knife from the table, impaling the blade through the detective's hand and into the countertop. Connor lets out a pained cry, feeling a jolt from the wires being sliced through. He looks down, seeing the gaping hole in his chest as his vision slowly starts to glitch. He sees the deviant turn and leave, walking out the door without so much as a second look. Popups begin to fill his vision, warning him of his imminent shutdown.

Vital System Damaged

Biocomponent #8456 Missing

Time Remaining Before Shutdown:


Connor can feel his mind swirling, his thoughts going crazy as the number counts down both too slowly and too quickly. He finds himself breathing rapidly, trying to cool off his overheating systems as best he can in this scenario. There's a strange feeling in his mind, one that he can't quite name. It clenches at his chest, forcing his systems into overdrive as he tries to find a way out. He doesn't know what this feeling is, doesn't understand why he's so desperate to keep going. As the numbers continue to drop he feels his mind grow more and more frantic. He reaches out towards the door, calling out to Hank only for there to be no reply. He kicks down a chair, hoping the clatter would draw someone -anyone's -attention, but still no one comes to his aid.

Connor looks to the knife in his hand then reaches over, pulling the blade out before tumbling to the floor. He gasps, panic rising as the countdown drops lower and lower still. He crawls towards his thirium pump on the floor, reaching desperately for the biocomponent. Again, he's not sure why he strives to reach for the pump. Perhaps its that grip on his chest, urging him forward, or perhaps its his programming that forces him to accomplish his mission. Regardless of the reason he reaches the thirium pump and shoves it back into his chest. His systems return to normal, the countdown disappears, and his LED flickers yellow. The thing that had been clawing at his chest disappears as well. The feeling subsiding and being replaced with another foreign sensation he can't place. He'll need to run a diagnostic to figure out what that is later.

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