Chapter 2: Love and Family

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Connor sits in the seat of Hank's car, feeling his systems working on overdrive in an attempt to understand what he had just done. He had let those Traci's go. He had willingly failed his mission and for what? Because they were in love?

Connor frowns, eyes twitching a little as he runs a diagnostic.

All Systems Operational

"Are you alright?" Hank asks, glancing over to Connor briefly.

"I'm fine," Connor answers. A lie.

"Bullshit," Hank says, sending Connor a glare, "Your little blinker thing's been red this entire time. What's wrong?"

Connor is silent for a moment, staring out the window at the houses passing by. "I failed my mission," he says, frowning, "I had the gun trained on those Traci's, but I didn't shoot. I don't know why. The diagnostic report says there's nothing wrong with my systems. I should have shot, yet I didn't. Something stopped me."

Hank nods, "And you're worried that something's wrong with you?"

Connor nods.

"Well," Hank says, letting out a breath, "If it makes you feel any better I think you did the right thing."

Connor looks to the Lieutenant, LED turning from red to yellow. "But the mission-"

"Fuck the mission," Hank growls, "sometimes the mission is wrong. Sometimes you shouldn't do as your told. Like if I want to come to work late because I want to make my son breakfast then I'll come to work late. There are some things that are more important than your god damn mission, Connor. Things like love and family."

Connor looks down at his lap, fidgeting with the hem of his jacket. He misses his coin. "I'm afraid I'm not programmed to understand such things. I do not have emotions, Lieutenant. Things such as love and family are concepts only deviants feel."

"And yet you didn't shoot," Hank says, smirking, "You felt something. That's why you couldn't do it."

Software Instability ^

"I am not a deviant." Connor says, and even he can hear the slight quiver in his voice.

Hank remains silent as they drive through the streets. They don't speak until Hank reaches his home, pulling his car into the driveway before getting out of the vehicle. "I'll take you back to the station after I pick up Cole. It's on the way to the park."

Connor nods and gets out of the car, following Hank inside to find the young boy dashing up to them. Hank crouches down, arms spread out to hug his son only to see Cole dash past him. The boy stops in front of Connor, looking up proudly with the coin in his hand. "I did it, Connor! Look! Look!" He takes the coin in his hand and expertly flicks it to his other hand. He repeats the action, grinning up at the android with pride.

Connor smiles, a little unsure of what to do. His programming did not prepare him for this type of situation. "That's wonderful," he says, reaching down to pat the boy on the head, mimicking what he's seen Hank do while Cole hands the coin back to the android.

Hank gets to his feet, looking as though tears are about to fall from his eyes. "Cole? Where's daddy's welcome home hug?"

Cole turns around, as though just remembering the older man. He grins and dashes up to Hank, throwing his arms around him in a big hug. "Welcome home! Did you catch the bad guys? Did you throw them in jail?"

Hank smiles, returning the hug. "Not today. But I'll get them next time. Now go get changed, then we can head out," he says, ushering the boy to his room.

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