Chapter 1: Coin Tricks

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A/N - I wrote this awhile ago and never realized I didn't post it here so here it is! It's already finished, so I'm going to post all the chapters now :) I hope you'll all enjoy it! 

Also, just going to say that this will not be a Hank/Connor story. Sorry! This focuses more on the family aspect of their relationship!


Connor steps out of the taxi, feeling the rain come down against his face as he stares at the small house in front of him. The car is parked haphazardly outside on the driveway, leaving tire marks on the unkempt lawn. The blinds are drawn over the window, but light still filters through the cracks indicating that someone is home.

Connor walks up to the front door and knocks. "Lieutenant Anderson?" he calls, waiting for a few seconds as he listens for any source of noise. When he hears none he reaches for the buzzer, giving it a quick push. "Anybody home?" he calls again, frowning when there's no reply.

He's about to reach for the buzzer again when suddenly he hears the sound of footsteps on the other side. The door opens just a crack, revealing a small boy standing behind the door, watching Connor curiously. With a quick analysis Connor confirms the boy's identity. Cole Anderson. Hank's son. He notices the boy's eyes looking him up and down, first going to the band on his arm then towards the model number on his chest. The boy shuts the door in his face, causing Connor's LED to flare yellow for a brief moment at the noise. He's about to knock on the door again when he hears a shout from inside.

"Dad? Dad!" a voice - Cole's voice Connor assumes - yells excitedly. "Did you finally buy an android?!"

"What?!" Another voice - one that Connor recognizes as his partner's - yells back, "what android? I didn't buy an android!"

The door opens again, Cole's head is peeking out to look at Connor once more. His expression is a little sad as he stares at Connor. "I'm sorry. My dad says he didn't buy an android. I think you're at the wrong house."

Connor tilts his head, smiling down at the boy. "I'm Lieutenant Anderson's partner from work. My name is Connor."

Cole shuts the door again before shouting back into the house. "It says it's name is Connor!"

Connor hears a groan on the other side of the door. There's some cluttering and shuffling coming from inside the house before footsteps - heavier ones - approach. Suddenly, the door is thrown open, revealing Hank staring up at him with a dumbfounded expression. The detective is wearing an apron, grey T-shirt and shorts underneath, while he holds a spatula aloft in his hand. He frowns at the android, clearly annoyed at seeing him outside his home. Cole peers around his father's leg, watching the android curiously. "What the f-" Hank stops himself before rephrasing, "What are you doing here?"

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago at a sex-"

"At a skiing club!" Hank cuts in, giving his son an awkward smile. "A homicide at a skiing club. Yup, happens all the time."

"It wasn't a skiing club. It was a-" Connor stops himself when he sees a glare being sent his way from Hank.

"Cole," Hank turns to his son, "could you please wait in the kitchen?"

The boy stares up at Hank for a moment, clearly reluctant to go, but with one more 'please' from Hank he nods and heads into the kitchen. Hank lets out a breath then turns back to Connor, pushing him further out the door before stepping outside and shutting the door behind him. "Don't you have any kind of fucking filter for that mouth of yours?" Hank hisses quietly, making sure his voice couldn't be heard from inside the house. "You can't talk about a sex club in front of a nine year old!"

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