Chapter 12

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 28 and 29.


"Miss Evans? Can you step into my office for a moment?" my principal asked. I stopped breathing and I started sweating through my uniform. He knew about the tape. I had been caught. I was literally going to have to hand my sex tape over to the police.

"Uh...sure," I stammered. I was seriously debating whether or not to make a run for it when I walked into the office and I saw Jordan sitting in one of the chairs. The first thing I noticed about him was how his dress shirt was rolled up to his elbows, his muscles bulging through. It fit him amazing. I sucked my tongue back into my mouth as he gave me the cutest little smirk ever. Noah's was sexy, but Jordan's was almost like a little kid's when he was hiding something.

"Elle. It's good to see you again," he grinned. I think he knew I had been checking him out. God, I wish I was wearing anything but my uniform right now.

"Good to see you too. Hopefully for good reasons. I'm not being arrested am I?" I joked, but my forehead was sweating so bad I had to resist the urge to wipe it with my shirt.

"I'm not actually a cop, just my dad. I came by to pick something up for him, thought I could stop by and say hi to my favorite principal," he smirked. What a suck up. My principal was at his desk, smiling at Jordan like a teenage girl. Was that what I looked like when I looked at Noah?

"Oh...well it was nice seeing you," I told him, kind of sad that he was leaving already.

"Would you wanna grab a coffee later?" he asked. Was he asking me out? Maybe Noah told him we were on a break and he thought he could make a move or something?

"Miss Evans, as much as I appreciate young love, my office isn't the place for this. She'll only be a minute Mr Connors. Why don't you wait outside?" he suggested. Jordan nodded and gave my arm a squeeze. Was it a friendly squeeze, or was it more of a romantic squeeze? Oh my god. This boy was turning my brain to mush. He shut the door behind him, leaving me to face my principal. I took a seat in front of his desk while he crossed his hands and narrowed his eyes at me. Oh no. That was his serious look.

"After footage from the Science Lab went missing last year, we installed cameras outside my office for security purposes. Last week, another tape went missing, and you came into my office that same day. You wouldn't have anything to do with this, would you?" he asked. I had put the tape in my bag before I had left the office, so it wouldn't have been on the security footage. Unless my bag looked different when I came out than when I went in, I think I was in the clear.

"Of course not Sir," I assured. I used the most innocent tone I could muster.

"Very well. Sorry to have bothered you," he apologized and stood, indicating I should leave. I gave him a polite smile and walked back to the hall. That was fast and fairly painless. Kids had started to wander in, but the warning bell didn't ring for another 20 minutes.

"Hey!" Jordan called. I jumped, surprised he had actually waited for me.

"Hey," I mumbled. I could not get over how good he looked in that shirt. I almost reached out to give his bicep a squeeze. Was it bigger than Noah's? Oh my god Elle. Get a handle on yourself. You aren't the kind of girl that drools over guys.

"So what was that all about?" He asked as I started towards first period.

"Oh, they caught me spray painting the gym," I joked. My poker face must be better than I thought because he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide. "I'm totally joking!" He let out a breath of relief.

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