Chapter 4

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 8, 9, and 10.


Our middle-of-the-night escapade left us completely naked when we woke up to a knock on the door. It was deja vu when Noah's mom came in to talk to Noah and I had to crawl underneath his bed. Except this time, I was buck ass naked. Noah got a good laugh out of that. I guess last night wasn't bothering him anymore. I mean, I knew that having sex without protection was about as stupid as it gets. But in that moment, I was engulfed in the need to be with him. It definitely didn't seem on his mind when he took me into his shower and showed me how much he was going to miss me. He worshipped my body on a whole other level.

I was sad that it was our last day together, but I was also excited to see the surprise he had in store. The last one was going to be pretty hard to beat. When we had finally pulled ourselves apart, barely coming up for air all morning, we joined Mr and Mrs Flynn downstairs for breakfast. While Noah poured me a glass of water, Mrs Flynn gave me a knowing look. I felt my cheeks flush. God I hope she hadn't heard us last night. She was still like a parent to me, and that would be beyond horrifying.

"So what are your plans for today Noah?" she asked sweetly.

"I'll tell you later mom. I want to surprise Elle," he replied. She gave him a proud smile. I could see how much she missed her son. It must kill her every time she has to say goodbye to him. We sat at the kitchen table, talking about Noah's dad. He didn't seem scared at all. The doctors had every hope that he was going to be okay. The only thing he was really worried about was his family. Especially Lee. Everyone was just as shocked as me that he was reacting the way he was.

"Don't give up on him Elle. He just needs some time," Mr Flynn explained. I rest my hand on top of his.

"I know. I'll never give up on Lee. He's my best friend," I smiled. Mrs Flynn sniffled and Noah reached across the table to squeeze her hand.

"Well, you kids should probably get going. We don't want to take up your whole day," she said. Noah kissed her cheek and took my hand. I was giddy. Surprises were my favorite thing ever. Especially when they were with my boyfriend.

"You know we don't have to go out today. No one's home at my place. We could just spend all day in bed," I suggested. Noah laughed at my abruptness.

"As much as I would love that, on my last day with you, I want to show you the reason we're together. I want to show you how much I love you before we have to say goodbye again," he explained. I practically melted. How was I supposed to say goodbye when he just made me fall in love with him more every second we were together?


As I clung to Noah on the back of his motorcycle, my mind wandered to college again. To all of the possibilities that it could bring me. I had no idea what I wanted to do after high school. I could be a chef, but my kitchen experiences with Lee told me otherwise. I could be a pilot, but I guess my intense fear of flying didn't make that a very good option. The list goes on, but I had no experiences to look back on that told me what my passion was. Except my mom. And Lee. And Noah. My family. I was passionate about loving them, about making them happy. But you couldn't really make a career out of that...could you? My thoughts had distracted me and before I knew it we were pulling up to a police station.

"Are you serious? Your surprise is that you're turning me in?" I teased. Noah looked back over his shoulder and smirked.

"Just wait. You'll see," he said. Could he be any more cryptic? He stowed my helmet under the seat and took my hand. We walked together up the cracked sidewalk and right when Noah held the door open for me, a gorgeous german shepherd came bounding up. He sat patiently until I was inside. I looked at Noah questioningly, wondering if my surprise was this gorgeous creature. I read his black vest and it read K9 in Training. I guess he wasn't my surprise. Dad would never go for it anyways.

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