What is this feeling?

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Naruto's POV

So anyway. Zabuza was taken out by a hunter nin, blah blah blah. Kakashi passed out, blah blah blah. We went to Tazuna's house to rest, blah blah blah. And Kakashi told us that Zabuza was still alive. Yay.

And now, I am met with a new dilemma. This is yet the greatest challenge I have ever faced. So great, that I don't think Kurama can fix it. So challenging, that it could ruin my life forever!

"Um, Kit..."

This could end me. 


Someone might come and kill me if I don't overcome this challenge.


'What?' I asked Kurama angrily. 'I'm trying to come up with a solution to this challenge!'

"Ask me nicely, and I may give you the answer to your problem," Kurama huffed.

'Um, Tell me how to keep the henge on when I sleep,' I stated.

"Nicer," Kurama judged.

'Please, tell me how to keep the henge on when I sleep,' I asked saying please louder than the rest of my statement.

"Well I don't know," Kurama told me acting like he was deep in thought. "It could be nicer-"

'TELL ME NOW OR ELSE YOU LOSE A CLAW!' I roared. Kurama yelped and I grinned in satisfaction.

Yup, I definitely need to stop hanging around that person. He rubs off on me too much.

"Fine, the answer is simple," he started. "Since I'm in you, I can just perform the Jutsu while you sleep."

I raised an eyebrow skeptically. 'Uh huh. How am I supposed to trust the Fox who sleeps 99% of the time to stay awake and keep a henge on me all night?'

"You have such little faith in me Naruko," he said sounding hurt.

'Sorry Foxy, but I got to go and do some 'training' with Kakashi sensei.' I told Mr. Foxy inside me.

Time to go 'train' with Kakashi sensei. Woohoo. Fun. *insert eyeroll*


"We're supposed to climb a tree with out hands?!" I questioned loudly like the idiot Naruto was.

"YEAH!" Sakura yelled. "The idiot has a point for once. How are we supposed to climb a tree without our hands sensei?"

Kakashi sighed and hung his head. Really, I don't blame him. The number one Kunoichi didn't know that ninja could walk on things by using chakra control. The idiot.

"There is no way such a thing is possible," Sasuke inputted. 

Sasuke too? I'm surrounded by idiots. The person trying to be an idiot is surrounded by idiots. That's situational irony for ya.

Kakashi then demonstrated how to walk up a tree using chakra control. I then, acted like I was totally amazed.

"That is totally cool, believe it!" I screamed and then internally smacked myself 100 times over.

Kakashi sensei then threw kunai in front of each of us. "Now you guys try. I want you to mark your progress with that kunai in front of you."

I picked up the kunai and added a lot of chakra into my feet and stepped onto the tree. The tree cracked underneath my foot and I quickly marked my 'progress' before going down. 

"Hey guys," Sakura yelled. I looked up to see her on one of the lower tree branches. "This is actually pretty easy!"

Sasuke grunted like a typical Uchiha does when they're frustrated and I began to fawn over Sakura, telling her how 'cool' and 'awesome' she was.

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