Chapter Five

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I woke up lost. I feel so weird. I thought it was just another one of those fights.In reality , now I see his true colors. He had no good intentions with me. All of those pointless arguments that he would blame on me proved that. We were toxic . But I did care for him so much, i wanted us to go far. I mean, whats there to do now anyways? There's no point to beg I won't do that to him, there's been enough times of that and he still left. He would get jealous of any guys I'd talk to, he swore I would have a thing for them.toxic. He made us toxic. So in a way, I've calmed down,I've accepted the fact that there is no longer anything and I just have to see it in a better way. This move is a new start, but its a new start for Just me now.. That feeling that I got, waking up, As if I was in physical pain , i couldn't go on,I don't want to feel that again. I have to do better for me. I came here to better myself in school, to meet new people. So that's what I will do, no more feelings getting into my way.

I have an interview today at Scoops so I'll focus on that. I walk in and see Kevin, "heyyy finally ! Im sure you'll do great ! My dad is waiting in the office go kill it girl" he tells me leading me to the office.
I finish my interview and say bye to them. Now what. I'll just go to the nearest store and just see what I need for my apartment since I have nothing else to do today. I end up in target walking around looking at every thing they have that I want. I go search in the music aisle and see what's good, It would be nice to get a CD player to listen to . As I'm searching, I feel like someone is watching me, but maybe I should just ignore it , I'm always so paranoid. I look around just in case and surely to my left I see the last person I would want to see, actually no, the second to last person I'd want to see, Jack standing there looking up at me holding a cd in his hand and with a small glowing smile. I give a small smile and then quickly look the other way, this dude really appears everywhere doesn't he. He walks up to me and opens his mouth, "why do I see you everywhere I go Viri?" He says with a small laugh, "I don't know Jack, maybe it's called.. stalking ?" I tell him with my eyes squinted at him , "yeah you're right.. so any good reason as to why you're stalking me??" He jokes, " ha ha so funny aren't you" I tell him and then walk towards the next aisle. "Wait wait Viri, did I do something wrong ?" He tells me sincerely,noticing my ugly attitude immediately , "no , no,I'm sorry I'm acting like such a jerk " I tell him sighing putting my hands on my face. I guess I've gotten so used to dodging everyone for Adam that it just stuck, it's made me into such a bitch to everyone for no reason. "No you're not a jerk, you're with Adam right? I found out yesterday after he would give me ugly looks in the hall all week. Sorry if I'm getting in the way of anything when I talk to you " he tells me looking a little down. " actually no" i respond, "no what?" He looks up at me confused, "no we're not together... anymore" I tell him, his face glows a little and then says "oh I'm sorry about that then, I mean maybe all things happen for a reason right, are you okay?". I nod and explain to him how ive been feeling and everything about our relationship, not everythimg everything, but the basics. Ithink Yeah I guess things do happen for a reason.

"It's been a couple of weeks. I've had a ton of me time, it's been so great.Cleaning my apartment, watching movies, going out for runs. I got a call yesterday from Scoops, guess who got the jobbbbb!" I say excitedly to my mom on the phone. "really !!! Viri that's so good, finally we can stop sending you money" she jokes, " ha ha mother, I haven't even gotten my first check yet". "How's my little bro doing?" I ask, we catch up on everything and for a second, it feels like I'm there with my mom gossiping about everything new. It felt so great.

I start my first day of work today wooo! After school of course,the very dreaded school day. I head to my lecture class and walk in seeing Adam as soon as I sit down, I told you- the world hates me. I pretend I don't see him and carry on with my class. Jack shows up and heads towards me, "is this seat taken?" He asks me, "nope take it, it's alll free" I say smiling up at him. My professor goes on and on talking and tells us how today's lecture is on how we will have to prepare on business stuff and blah blah partners, that's all I heard.. wait partners  ? I have no friends to pair up with. I sit there lost in thought when I feel someone touch my wrist. "Would you care to pair up with me madam" Jack says to me in a funny British accent, "why I'd be delighted to kind sir" I say back in the same accent, he starts laughing and then says "you do a horrible Australian accent you know that" he teases, "welll ! Sorry I'm no professional like you here !" I say back. We sit across from eachother and begin practicing all of our presentation plans, "pssst," he whispers to me, I look up at him confused,"what?" I ask, if I did something wrong I'm going to look like a complete idiot. "Homeboy over there cannot stop staring over here" he whispers back with a quiet chuckle, I look over and sure enough Adam is staring right at us, I look forward again and look at Jack with my eyes peeled,then start to laugh while shrugging my shoulders. "why are we whispering again?" I ask him whispering, "i dunno, it makes it more dramatic" he says back, I mouth ohhh okay gotcha, and we start to laugh uncontrollably . "Should I split you two jokers up?" The professor says to us, bringing the whole class silent and staring right at me and jack. We both nod no and hold in our laughter until the class is over.
"Mind if I walk you to our next class kind lady?" Jack says to me again in the accent putting his folded arm out for me to intertwine mine with, "oh well of course I don't mind!" I say back to him, fitting my arm through his,not realizing at all that it was barely around 8am and our next class is at 10.

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