Chapter Three

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I wake up with my seventh alarm going off, oops. I slowly get up from bed and notice Adam wasn't there, he probably went home to change, I get dressed and all ready for class and head to the kitchen. I see Adam standing there making BREAKFAST, could he be more amazing. "I made us breakfast before we head to our class babe," he tells me, I smile and we dig in. Once we get to our class I sit down and wait for our professor to get in, lecture day is the boringest of them all, wait is boringest even a word ? Wow what has almost 14 years of school even taught me. I lose my thought when I see someone walk into the room, someone not so new to me, Jack, from the coffee shop. Oh godd, he can not be in this class, if he sees me, if he RECOGNIZES me, Adam is going to be so suspicious about it. Its not that big of a deal but knowing Adam, and knowing myself I start to panic and just walk out, as I'm walking out Jack bumps into me and looks at me as if trying to figure out how the hell he knows this face and then smiles, before he can say anything I speed out. Uhhh lets just call it a sick day for me, sorry prof.

I get a text from Adam. "Hey, everything good ?? Why'd you just walk out of class?", " I felt really sick, i came to the bathroom and i think I'm just gonna head home, not feeling so good" i respond. I suck at lying. " did you see that guy how he was looking at you😒" he says, hey did I not call  it. Did I not say he was gonna get upset about that LITTLE thing, "yeah it was weird, must be mistaking me for someone he knows"I say, lie again Viri.

Meanwhile back at school Adam is sitting in class nearly falling asleep of boredom when he listens in on a conversation behind him that was, well, really none of his business. But he did it anyways. "hey do you know who that girl is that walked out earlier ? Viri is it ?" The new guy asks, " oh not really man. Barely the first day of class"  the girl behind Adam says, "right. my bad" he responds.

Jack nods and goes on his phone, Viri he thinks over and over while looking for her on social media.

Now back to Viri ..

I get home and put my stuff on the counter when I hear my phone buzz, an Instagram notification ? Jack Gilinsky has requested to follow you.. please don't be the Jack that I think it is. I look and sure enough, there he is in a picture of him. In Georgia. he even had a picture of the coffee he got from the shop that day, couldnt be more exact.

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