Chapter Three

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When I stepped into the house, I knew right away that I was gonna need another coffee.

It was 7:05 and the drum set was still being set up by the guys, Monica was tuning her bass, and there were chips and salsa in the middle of the room.

"You're late," Oliver said with a laugh.

"It's a freaking blizzard out there!"

"Could've left earlier."

"I am in the middle of an essay," I said through gritted teeth, stifling an annoyed laugh.

"Alright, guys." Monica said. "My bass is tuned and the drums are about ready, so let's get started."

After I made myself a coffee, we practiced and polished every single one of our old songs and started a new one.


The next morning, I lay awake. My eyes were still closed, refusing light to enter, just laying there thinking and taking in what I could feel.

It was kind of chilly, cold, really. Colder than usual, at least. But, why? I moved my hands around my bed and felt only one blanket. Oh. It must've fallen down while I was sleeping, probably having another nightmare.

In the dream, or nightmare, I'm on the top floor of a high security building with someone, but I don't know who and I can't see their face. The person that I couldn't see clearly seemed to be in distress and started to panic. I didn't know why and that's when it got scary. I could hear gunshots and footsteps. Then, a loud explosion. And that's usually when I would wake up with a sudden jolt, before going back to sleep if time allowed.

I rolled out of bed and got ready for class. I observed that it was below freezing today, so I put on my favorite sweater, carefully placed my beanie on my just-straightened hair, and drove down the snow filled road to Starbucks again to get my morning coffee and then head to class.

After I handed in my paper, I left the campus and headed down the hallway toward the parking lot door, when I heard an ear-splitting bang and sirens a moment later.

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