Catching Up

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  We trudge through the woods in complete silence. It's been hours and all we've done is walk.

  Nobody has said a word and it's completely killing me.

  The closest things we've came to a conversation is Monroe groaning because of the arrow stuck in her leg.

  I look towards Bellamy who is leading the way but looks as if he is thinking about something.

  Octavia and I make eye contact while she smiles slightly.

  She asks "So, how are you handling everything, Annabeth?"

  I answer while Bellamy seems like he is trying to ignore our conversation "My father is alive so I'm better but he's still a major asshole so there's that."

  She laughs and says "You've always been very lighthearted, you know that?"

  I roll my eyes and reply "I'm not really but, thank you for thinking that."

  Bellamy says while picking up his pace "Sorry to cut the conversation short but we're at camp."

  I ask Octavia quietly "Can you carry Monroe by yourself?"

  She nods and let go of Monroe.

  I make my way up to Bellamy and grab his arm making him come to a sudden stop with that girl we saved.

  He asks "Why did you stop me?"

  I answer "We need to talk."

  He looks at the girl he was carrying and nods.

  We start walking slowly behind Octavia and Monroe to create distance so they can't hear us.

  I ask "What are you thinking about? You haven't talked me for the past hour or two that we've been walking."

He says quiet enough to not wake the girl in his arms "I don't know how you're not more freaked out that one of friends just died. Sterling died trying to save someone he cared about. I just can't get that off my mind."

I nod because I understand where he's coming from.

The first time that I had witnessed someone die was when I had to kill Atom and I couldn't think about anything but that.

Then, it hit me hard when Wells died because he had always been so kind to me. He always took up for me and was my friend.

I say as I recount all the deaths that have happened since we've been on the ground "I know it's hard Bellamy and I still have grief over many people just since we reached the ground but I don't think I can worry about it anymore. I'll go crazy if I do and I don't think I want to do that anytime soon."

I pause as I smile at my joke.

Bellamy replies jokingly "You've been crazy for a while, sweetheart."

I look up at him with a huge grin.

We reach camp and we are immediately crowded by dozens of people.

A guard looks to Bellamy and says "Weapon."

I look at him confused and ask "What are you talking about?"

He looks over to Bellamy's gun and says "I need your weapon."

Bellamy surrenders his weapon and the guard walks away while talking into his walkie talkie.

Someone takes the two girls away from the Blake's and they both look uneasy as they do.

A sprinting Clarke Griffin jumps into Bellamy's arms while Octavia and I step to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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