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  I trudge through the woods with Bellamy a few feet in front of me.

  My feet are aching and all I can think about is finding my friends. Also, taking a long hot shower but that's not gonna happen for a while.

  Bellamy says "Anna, you need to keep up."

  I reply sarcastically "And I also need water but you don't see me complaining."

  He says while stopping "You were complaining about it not even five minutes ago."

  I reply trudging ahead of him "But I'm not anymore."

  He continues walking in silence until we heard someone call Bellamy's name out.

  We both stop suddenly but soon Monroe and Sterling walk up.

  Of course these two would be the ones to find us. Couple of idiots with big hearts.

Bellamy asks "Were you followed?"

I ask not even giving them time to answer Bellamy's question "Have you seen Finn?"

I never thought I would ask that question but here I am.

Monroe asks "Finn's alive?"

Bellamy answers "He was. We got separated."

I ask curiously "How'd you guys get out?"

Monroe answers "We saw the Ark come down. We thought we'd come get help."

Sterling joins in "Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but pers-,"

Bellamy cuts him off when we see a horse pass by with Finn and another kid from the one hundred being drug "Follow me. Stay low and quiet."

We follow them silently through the woods for a few feet before they stop.

The other kid says "I can't, I can't go anymore."

The grounder says "On your feet."

The boy replies "I can't."

Finn says trying to help the situation "He can't keep up."

The grounder says "I said get on your feet. Get up."

The grounder pulls his blade out and stabs him in the stomach. Then, releases the rope from the dead boys body.

My hand flies over my mouth while the grounder says "I lost three hundred,"

He pulls out a canteen and pushes in Finns direction while saying "Drink,"

The grounder gets back on the horse and says "You're lucky. I need to keep one of you alive to talk to the commander."

We follow them for about a good mile. Always staying close enough to hear them but they can't hear us.

Bellamy stops suddenly and says "We need to attack them now."

Monroe and Sterling's face falls.

I honestly feel jealous of them. They never really had to do anything at camp and they didn't even have to fight in that stupid little war.

Bellamy says trying to get their spirits up "I know you're scared, but we are warriors. We can do this."

Monroe asks "How?"

I answer before Bellamy got the chance too "The only way we can do this if we work as a team."

Bellamy says "When he goes for Anna and I, Monroe goes for Finn. Once he's free, it's five on one."

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