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Writer's Block

Writer's Block is a common phenomenon on Wattpad that is becoming headstrong. Writer's block is a documented problem that was researched in the late 1970's and early 1980's. 

Never fear

The Jazz age novelist, short story writer and poet F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned and Tender Is the Night, also had many cases of Writer's block. 

The American cartoonist Charles Monroe Schulz, best known for the comic strip Peanuts, documented many cases of Writer's block and mentioned it quite often in the many biographies written about him over the decades.

But why?

Writer's Block is mainly caused by stress or a lack of inspiration. The most common problem is that the writer's do not have a new idea or something 'worthy' of submitting. Another case of writer's block is that you know what you want to write, it's just that it refuses to come onto the computer screen. The most common Writer's Block problem is that writer's are too scared to submit the newest chapter is simply because of negative comments and horrifying feedback that is destroying the author's self confidence.

So many.

There is more than one type of Writer's block. Select from the ten below and see what cure you can discover.

Case #1

This is for professional authors that need to write a new novel but just cannot find the perfect thing. They have either so many ideas and cannot choose just on or they have zip, zero, zilch.

There are few cures for this writer's block case.

1) If you have too many ideas, write a few down on a page. Write a complete story line about every one. If you are unable to write more than a chapter on a certain topic, scratch it out and move to the next on.

2) Ask a few random strangers what books they would want to read about. Write them all down and redo cure number one.

3) Do exercise. Ger blood flowing to your brain. I'm not talking about doing a marathon, just the odd jog around the block or a few push-ups and sit-ups. 

Case #2

This case is for anybody. You have a the outline of the chapter but you just can't go deeper. Or you just do not know what write, or the emotion is just to raw or foreign for you or the activity is something you have never experienced and do not plan on experiencing it anytime soon. For example a male author will have a little trouble writing a scene  that includes girly sleepovers or will have trouble creating a girl's 'perfect date'. A e author will have a little trouble writing something from a male's point of view. 

1) Ask. If you have a friend of the opposite sex that you completely trust, ask them about things like activities they would know about. Or even if you are very desperate, you could ask your parents (we do not recommend this) for advice and help.

2) Do research. Google the emotion slash activity or look it up in the dictionary. For example

2.1) Love - Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection ("I love my mother") to pleasure ("I loved that meal"). It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. (copied directly from wikipedia).

2.2) Sleepovers - A sleepover, also known as a pajama party or a slumber party, is a party most commonly held by children or teenagers, where a guest or guests are invited to stay overnight at the home of a friend, sometimes to celebrate birthdays or other special events. A lock-in is a similar event held in a setting other than a private home, such as a school or church. ( copied directly from wikipedia.

Case #3

This case is the worst. You are at chapter 24 but you feel you took a wrong turn at chapter 5 already and now you have hit rock bottom. There is only one solution to this problem and that is to go back and change the entire book from chapter 5. This is the worst. We know, but it is the only choice you have. The other choice, is harsh and we highly recommend that you never do this but you can simply delete the book and start over. Keeping everything up till where you felt you went wrong and than working from there.

Case #4

You have grown bored with this story, the characters and the plot and do not feel the need to continue working on this book. 

1) Go back. Think about why you wanted to write this book. Go back and read through a few comments, let those comments inspire you to continue writing.

Case #5

Bad criticism, feedback and negative comments all fuel this Writer's block. The best and only solution is to simply report comments and ignore them. Just keep in mind that the only reason they are posting negative comments and feedback is because they want to get this reaction out of you. Just remember that they are just jealous that you are a much better writer than them. Let haters be haters. They are going to criticize you on everything and anything until you give up. 

Case #6 

You can't find the right words. No matter how hard you think about the word that is on the tip of your tong, you just can't find it.

1) They did invent a dictionary or a thesaurus for a reason. Or if you are just too lazy, go onto a search engine and either type in a thesaurus website or the synonym of the word your looking for.

2) Write down a clue for the word and make sure on whatever type area you use it that it stands out. For example if you directly write it on Wattpad than 'bold ' the clue and continue writing, When the word hits you like one of Thor's lightning bolts, write it down before you forget it.

General solutions

A general sulotion is to just be in a place that inspires you. If you love nature, go write all your chapters in the town park, or take and download lots of pictures about nature and paste them on the walls of the room you write in. 

We hope this helped you solved your Writer's block crisis. If you have any question, comment or private message us and we will answer any questions.

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