Chapter 15

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Yeah, I know I haven't updated in like 3 weeks (if anyone even follows this story) and I'm sorry. I was on vacation for like two and a half weeks so I couldn't type up any more because I typed up half a chapter on THIS computer at home, so I didn't know where I left off. Now, I have an internship at US bank, but its only like a 4 day, job shadowing thing like what I did last year at hy-vee. Good news though! I got a nametag! YESSS! SCORE!


  When I woke up, I was lying on something soft, yet... texturized. I slowly opened my eyes to see a dimly-lit forest. I was laying on soft patches of grass and dirt, and the beautiful sunlight was reaching through the trees at certain points to touch the ground. It felt peaceful.

  Wait. Why was I here? Why don't I remember anything? This can't be good.

  I looked at my surroundings, in hopes that I would remember something; anything. I was in the middle of a forest, and had no idea why.

  I looked down at my clothing. I was wearing bright red tennis shoes, dark blue jeans, a red tank top, black biking gloves, and a black leather jacket tied around my waist. My curly, jet-black hair reached down a foot past my shoulders with no hair tie in it. It smelled of coconut scented shampoo. I've always wanted coconut scented shampoo. So... where'd I get the coconut scented shampoo? I certainly don't remember buying it... or using it.

  Okay, so... should I go to the doctor? No. I hate doctors. I don't mind dentists, but doctors are just bringing it too far. Besides, all they'd do is look at my eyes, only to tell me nothing is wrong, and have me recite the last thing I remember doing, and what I know about myself. I can do that all on my own.

  Let's see... My name is Serenity. But what's my last name? Don't know. Where am I? Don't know. Who am I, as a person? Don't know. Do I have any friends and family? Hell if I know. What do I remember doing last. Playing video games. Do I have any activites? Ummm.... I don't even remember going to school. What was my school life like? Dang. I must have gotten into some accident to forget this much. Wait... why am I clean? If something obviously happened to me, I would be more dirty. I don't even have grass stains, and I'm laying in the middle of the woods.

  I stood up and checked my pockets, which felt rather heavy. I had a small, prepaid cell phone with no contacts, and 300 minutes on it. In my other pocket was... woah. A HUGE wad of money. I started counting, anf figured up four thousand dollars worth of hundred dollar bills. I kept this kind of money in my pockets?!

  To my left, I could faintly hear car noises and see the outline of buildings in the distance. My luck continues to rise. Now all I have to do is patch the holes in my memory.

  That's when I noticed the extreme amount of pain in my gut, and not just from all the hunger I felt. I needed a buffet, pronto. I lifted my tank top, to see a bullet-shaped scar over the left side of my ribcage. It looks like it barely missed my heart. The scar looked like it was old, so why did it still hurt? Probably because I haven't eaten.

  Wait, I've been shot? And survived? Why? Who would shoot me? Maybe it was an accident... Or maybe I shot myself... No. I wouldn't commit suicide, and if I did, I'd shoot in the head. Not gut. It had to be an accident. I wouldn't drive someone to want to kill me. Or, maybe I would. I don't know what kind of person I was. Experience makes you the type of person you are. Who you hang with, what you do. Yadda yadda yadda. So, now that I don't remember anything, I therefor have no experience, and have no idea who I am. All I know is that I'm Serenity. I'd give anything to know who shot me and why.

  I gently traced my finger over the scar on my stomach, trying to figure out the puzzle.

  Suddenly, a flashback popped into my head, of a bloody bullet falling in front of my face, staining a white carpet red as it hit the ground.

  Woah. Graphic image! Looks like I have a troubled past to figure out. Wait. Do I even want to figure it out? Yes. It'll lead me to my friends and family, and I don't want to be alone in the world. But, boy am I hungry. I'd better get to the nearest cafe. At least I looked decent.

  I began walking towards the buildings, after putting away the money and phone. I hope I remember more of my past. Surely a bloody bullet isn't the only thing I can remember. Wait. So, I remembered a bloody bullet when I touched the scar on my stomach, so... maybe I only need certain things to sort of trigger a specific memory. I wonder if something major would cause all my memories to come back? Maybe I should just go around town hugging people and see what happens.

  Hey! Jackpot! I vaguely remember being in a group hug with a bunch of people, but, who are they? Their faces are blurred. DOes this at least mean I have friends? Or.. at least HAD friends?

  By then, I had reached the road, and... recognized it. I mean, not specifically, but you didn't need to be a guiness to figure out I was in New York City. I don't think I've ever been outside of Missouri before, though. All my memory consists of is watching television... alone... in Missouri. Somehow I just knew it was Missouri. Weird, huh?

  Okay, onto the next obstacle. What was a batch of trees doing in New York? Must be one of the few parks they had left. So, then, how'd I get halfway across the country whilist unconcious? There's a lot more to this story than I originally thought.

  I looked to my left and saw a pancake house just across the street, so I entered it as casually as possible, yet barely refrained from running to the nearest booth. The first thing I did, is put my head in my hands and groaned.

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