✧ Gang AU: Mission 1 Part 1 ✧

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Everyone besides Right Hand Man SeokJin and Leader Namjoon were in the living room messing around when SeokJin came around the corner, "Gather around guys! We got a mission!"

They all got out of their spots either on the couches or the floor and started to head towards the meeting room, aka the other living room that came with the house.

In the middle of the room was a long wooden table. On one side there was 2 chairs, and on the other there 6 chairs. Namjoon and SeokJin were sitting in the 2 chairs while the others sat in the remaining 6 chairs.

Bodyguard Jimin was the first to break the silence, "So what is the mission?"

The leader, Namjoon opened up a vanilla folder with pictures and documents tucked into it. He straightened out all of the things inside to where they were in a straight line. What laid out in front of the 6 were pictures of a rival gang, EXO, and their plans to take over Bangtan's club, Trypant.

"The mission this time is to stop EXO before they can take over our club. They know that club Trypant is our main source of income, if we lose that club then we are fucked. It took us 3 years to get that club to the level of status it is, we cannot afford to lose it. Literally."

Assassin Jungkook was the first to speak up after learning this information, "So what's the game plan?"

"My plan was that we could use Lani as bait."

Other Assassin / Informant Lan looked at Namjoon like he was crazy, "Me?!"

Namjoon nodded, "You are the only one EXO has not seen face to face. We could use you to lure them into an empty building, where we could dispose of them without anyone knowing."

"Wouldn't they get suspicious as to why I was taking them to an empty building though?"

"There will be people inside at the time so they don't get suspicious. All you have to do is lure them into it, as soon as they are all in we will have our men grab them and tie them down."

She sighed, "Fine."

Kidnapper / Informant Taehyung tilted his head to the side, "When will this take place though?"

"In 2 weeks, since that is when they plan on taking over. We will have our men placed all over the city around our territory. Anyone unauthorized to come onto the property will be killed immediately."

𝗹𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗮𝗻 , 𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝟪𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 ☑ (wattys 2018&2019)Where stories live. Discover now