Argument [Burn The Stage]

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I got inspired by Kenworthy and her chapter about Burn The Stage argument. And this is like the 2nd version of this?? beardyourselfbois  made a chapter on this for my book and thank you to them for doing that! Su is your mother's name and Song is your fathers name. Liuxian is also your brothers name. (Mandarin is in bold)


Lan - "It was really unexpected honestly...Taehyung-ah and I don't fight. Like ever. We are usually very chill with each other so it was a shock to all of us, including him and I, that we got into an argument. Especially over something so irrelevant. And in front of my family too. I could tell my brother was disappointed at me for how I behaved."

Backstage before Fire in Hong Kong.

Taehyung - "Hey noona."

Lan - "Yeah Tae?"

Taehyung - "I noticed how your moves were off in Spring Day."

Lan - "I was only off by a few counts. It's not a big deal Taehyung-ah."

Taehyung - "It is a big deal noona. If you're off even by a few counts it messes us all up."

Lan - "Taehyung I know that. I'm sorry okay?"

Taehyung - "It's still a big deal noona. I know none of us want to hurt you but if you keep being off step we're gonna run you over!"

Lan - "Kim Taehyung I know! I'm such a fuck up okay?! I'm sorry I can't keep up with a fucking song! I'm just so stressed and I can't remember half of the choreography to our songs but I'm trying my fucking best!"

Everyone looked at you with shocked expressions on their faces. You were glad that your parents didn't understand Korean, but your brother did.


Lan - "Well it's true! All I hear anymore from fans is that I shouldn't be in BTS cause I'm such a fuck up!"

Namjoon - "Lani you know that's not true."

Lan - "It is!"

Liuxian - "Lan it isn't. You're extremely talented."

Su - "Liuxian what is she saying?"

Liuxian - "She's saying she isn't talented."

Lan - "Liuxian!"

Song - "Lan you are so talented. You were scouted by so many companies besides BigHit, would that have happened if you weren't talented?"

Lan - "No..."

Su - "Your father is right Lan."

Staff member - "5 minutes guys!"

Namjoon - "We can talk about this later. Let's get ready and give ARMY all we've got okay?"

All - "Okay!"

As Taehyung got his makeup done you could see that his cheeks were stained with tears. Your heart shattered at the sight of your dongsaeng crying because of your words.

𝗹𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗮𝗻 , 𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝟪𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 ☑ (wattys 2018&2019)Where stories live. Discover now