Stranger Danger

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I feel the sensation of floating as I levitate above everyone and I have the gift to see. To see everyone around me and have the privilege to get to know the individuals. I'm allowed outside the doors of this placed that's called 'home'. Home to me is a reference to misery. Home is your own purgatory designed to bring you torment and agony. But here in this place, I'm set free.

I'm finally out of the chains that kept me locked here for so long.

I admit, I've never had much faith in him. I use to hate him with every fiber in my being. It's always amazed me how easily you can go from loving someone with all your heart, to filling up with pure resentment towards him or her. I'd always thought if you ever loved someone then you will always love them. This isn't true. If you love someone then you will always have feelings for them. My feelings just happen to be an overwhelming, passionate hatred directed towards Diggory. He abandoned me while he goes out in the world to play normal. He's not normal and this house isn't normal. When we were kids, he used to promise me we will always be together. We had planned escapes together, we just never set the plan into action. Then one day, Diggory started discussing our plan less often until he eventually just forgot. I was forgotten along with the plan.

But now things have changed and my brother has come for me. I watch as Diggory breaks the chained lock on my cage.

"I'm taking you away." He promises as his warm hand envelopes my frail one. For the first time in a very long time, I smile. Tears of joy interrupts my genuine smile.

He came back for me.

We run together, hands intertwined up the stairs of the basement. We easily leave the house and I bask in the sun when we'd reached outside. The sun's rays burn gently against my soft skin as I soak in the purely pleasurable moment. I have to close my eyes due to the sensitivity of the light. The delicate things are only use to dark, gloomy environments. I'm excited to adjust to this new, bright world.

"You kept your promise." I embrace my brother whom I cared a great deal about. I quiver in his stable arms as I silently cry. I bite my tongue to hold back my whimper. "You kept your promise." He didn't forget about our childhood plans after all and he didn't forget about me.

"I have to go." He downcast his eyes avoiding eye contact with me. His face takes on a glum expression. He can't leave me again, I can't take the emotional pain. I start weeping as he gradually disappears into nothingness before me. The sun disappears along with him and I'm left in the dark again. I wake up in the confinement of a immoral cage, which brings me a sense of forlorn.

Why does my mind play cruel jokes and allows me to have such hopeful dreams? Dreams of freedom that will never be within my grasp. It's like a part of myself enjoys self misery. Have I gone so mad that I've became subconsciously addicted to sadness?

I dolefully sit up from my position on the cold surface. I rest my back, uncomfortably against the grimy walls. I'm always so restless. I don't have much energy for anything now a days. It all seems completely pointless to even wake up in the morning. I have no purpose in life and no value in living.

"Good, you're awake." I'm startled when I hear a unknown voice come from close proximity. My whole life I've only been exposed to a hand full of people. I often forget about the existence of others when I spend most time alone. I squint my eyes to search for the stranger outside my cage, but I find nothing.

"I'm glad I'm not in here alone." To my surprise, the stranger walks out of the darkest corner from the cage and cautiously stops before me. He's locked down here with me. I've never had another person locked in the basement with me. Not even Diggory was forced in this depressing place as punishment.

I carefully eye the strange boy. He looks to be about mine or Diggory's age as he stands upright with youthful, tan skin. He has a thin figure, but I can see hints of defined muscles along his arms. Dark copper hair falls messily over his head. His warm brown eyes examines me while I mentally judge him.

I don't trust him.

It's too much of a coincidence he'd showed up out of nowhere after Diggory's warning. Cosette is up to something and I'll have to keep my guard up.

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