Mommy Dearest

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In the basement: The torn, decayed wooden staircase creaks, warning me of a predicted presence with only three possibilities of who the person can be. Cobwebs claim every dark corner of the dim room, guarded protectively by the swarthy spiders, being the only consistent companions I have down here. I'm locked in solitary, behind the chilled bars of repression.

"Sundrop." Her sickly raspy voice comes out in a husky tone, leaving goosebumps forever embedded on my thin, cadaverous arms. "I brought you some food. See, it's hot and fresh."

My mouth involuntarily waters in longing as the smell of cooked meat reach my nose. It's been days since I've had a decent meal. I've been surviving on the cold, leftovers thrown in between the bars of my cage. I'm now yearning for the savory, enticing food hidden beneath the top in her decreptive hands.

"I know you're hungry." The temptation becomes irresistible as she reveals the food to be baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and a inviting chocolate chip cookie for dessert. I roll my lips inward to keep the unusual amount of saliva forming inside of my mouth. The sputum wets my dry throat as I gulp to control myself from the alluring tantalization.

I watch in anticipation as she slowly brings the plate down to the filthy, subfuscous floor. Dust drifts in the air surrounding the plate after it's released carelessly to the ground. I whimper as some of the mashed potatoes splash to the unsanitary surface. I mourn for the loss of sustenance that now lies on the grimy basement floor. The meal that's keen to my survival remains a few feet from the cage, staying out of my reach. My eyes gradually travel to the ruthless woman with an inscrutable expression. She stares rancorously down at me; her eyes gleaming with apparent resentment.

"You have to earn your meal." There are always cruel intentions hidden behind her simplistic words. I warily watch the soulless woman and I become distracted after I hear the stair case creak again. We're joined by the house caretaker, whom is timidly hunched over in a guarded stance. He's frail, weak man who follows any orders he's given by the woman. He's not weak physically, but he's mentally unstable. He's often unaware of the perfidious situations, his words come out slower than a normal person, and he nervously fumbles around with his clothing when dealing with controversy. He was easy for her to persuade into doing her dirty work.

"You need anything, Cosette?" He bows down to her like a well-trained lap dog. Hearing him say her name out loud sends unpleasant chills down my back. The name alone puts more fear in me than the infamous boogie man, whose purpose is to scare small children.

"The girl wants to eat, but she's yet to earn her meal properly. Her meal should be earned, don't you agree, Mahli?" She asks, already knowing the complete influence she has over the young man.

"Yes." He quickly nods his head in agreement.

My heart beat picks up speed in anticipation of what I have to do for this meal. I wish I could hate Mahli for going along with everything Cosette orders, but I can't. He's like an innocent child seeking guidance from his mother. You can't blame the child for listening to his or her parents because it's all they're taught and know.

"I'll give you a choice." She runs her stubby, arthritic fingers along the intact bars. "You can either eat the food from the bare floor..." Her hand rubs along the unhygienic surface, leaving her palm covered in black grime. She wipes her hand on Mahli's shirt without his protest. I hope the other option was better regarding my health, but knowing Cosette this wouldn't be the case. "...or you can give Mahli here a little kiss."

Mahli looks just as surprise as me at Cosette's ultimatum. I weigh out my options: Eating from the basement floor that hasn't been clean for decades could result in sickness. Sickness in which I can't risk due to my already delicate state. Kissing Mahli would also be quite repulsing, considering he's sixteen years older than me. His cracked, chapped lips aren't very inviting either.

I've made my decision.

"I'll kiss Mahli." I say with forced confidence, but I find my voice wavering slightly.

"It's settle then." She cautiously unlocks the cage and forcefully pushes Mahli in with me. He stands unsure of his next move and I make no effort in making the first move. "Kiss her, Mahli."

Obediently, Mahli walks over to me in long strides and grabs my face with his greasy hands. I go in to give him a quick peck, but his large hands stay placed on the sides of my head. I feel his hot tongue roll over my lips and it takes everything in me to hold down the vomit forming at the base of my throat. His hands wander once he's assured I won't resist the kiss Cosette has demanded. I suffer in silence as I allow his hands to cup my butt and graze over my breast through my shirt. Then, his eager hand slides inside my pants and I panic because I've never been touched there before.

Instinctively, I shove him away and his hand leaves my pants as he stumbles back. He cowers against the cage bars at my reaction and Cosette yanks him out, locking me up alone.

"Sundrop, you can't do anything right." She shakes her head disapprovingly. She picks my plate up from the ground and a uncontrolled growl comes from my stomach in hunger. I can't help but get excited about having the freshly cooked meal. All my hope is crushed in a milli-second once I witness the food fall aimlessly to the ground. "You can eat from the ground. Next time you won't disobey me or I won't be as gracious."

"Leave, Mahli." She commands and he's already half-way upstairs before she can get the full demand out. Cosette waits to hear the basement door slam before she addresses me. "You really are a huge disappointment."

And you're a huge bitch, I think to myself, but I'm smart enough not to say anything.

"It's a shame you're so damn ugly." She reminds me of my grotesque every chance she gets. There is not a day I go without Cosette calling attention to my hideous facial features. You'll think I've grown immune to the insults, but there's still an insecure part of me that cloaks her face with the thick hair provided. I shove my unbrush hair over my cheeks and bow my head in degradation.

"Sundrop, I love you." A wicked smile unnaturally spreads on her wrinkled face. Something about the malevolent gleam in her eyes tell me otherwise.

"I love you too, Mom." I lie.

I watch as she walks up the old stairs and I hear the basement door shut, so I know I'm alone.

I crawl languidly to support my weight against the glacial bars. My scrawny arm slips through the bars and grabs a hand full of chicken and mashed potatoes. I quickly shove the food into my mouth, chewing and swallowing before I give it any second thoughts. I pick up the cookie, to discover a coach roach crawling over it. I flick it off and eat the cookie in one bite, ignoring the queasy feeling taking over my stomach.

I'm Sundrop, the girl confined in the basement and I hate my mother.

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