Naked Dreams

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Adonis is the only thing on my mind. He's been the only thing on my mind for a while. It feels likes hours since I last saw him. I can't come up with any reason why Diggory and Mahli would take him away. I don't comprehend Adonis' purpose here. At this point, I assume the worst. Adonis is dead.

In a way, maybe Adonis' death isn't the worst case scenario. I rather him be in peace than be tortured relentlessly and having to suffer in my presence. No one deserves to be treated this poorly, especially him. He's too good. This place isn't good enough for him. I, myself can endure it. I can't miss the light if I've never seen it.

I hear the door creak open from the upstairs basement and I instinctively pull my hair around my face to offer some concealment. The movement sent a throbbing wave throughout my head and the pain reminds me of Mahli knocking me down and hitting me. I have to ignore my sore head for now and focus on whose coming down these stairs. I recognize who it is by their distinctive footsteps and I rush to the opposite side of the cage, pressing my back against the cold, icy wall to put as much space as I can muster between us. I don't want to be anywhere near her.

"Sundrop, honey." are the last words I hear before I leave unconsciously into the dangers of my own mind. For a moment, I think I'm dead and it scares me how content I am with my death. I can't give up completely now and leave Adonis to fend for himself. I feel the faint rattle of my heart beat within my ribcage and I mentally cry. My withered soul cries from all the pain it has endured; she thought she was finally at rest.


My head still throbs in agony when I begin to awake. The bright lights bring sensitivity to my eyes, so I'm forced to close them again. I'll have to adjust to the light. Light? Has my merciless mind fool me and played a harsh trick? I haven't seen the light in years. The basement light is so dim, I consider it a dull darkness. But this light is florescent. I can feel the heat beam from the light down onto my cadaverous skin. The warming sensation brings to a deep appreciation of the sense of touch. I also grow fond of my sense of sight when I finally build up enough courage to open my eyes. It's beautiful. Anything is beautiful compared to the depths of  hell in the basement.

I'm lying comfortably on a plush Queen size bed. The comforter fitted into every curve of my back and the silk texture massaged my skin into pure ecstasy. I know I should be alert and worried about why Cosette took me out of the basement, but for now I just want to enjoy this.

"Sundrop." I hear my name whispered by a broken yet alluring voice. I feel a million feelings rush over me like a wave tide; I never learned to swim, so I fear drowning. I turn my head and for the first time, I see the boy tied next to me. I see red lines around his wrists were it has burned in irritation from the friction between the rope and his skin. This isn't what horrified me.

Adonis is naked.

It's my first time seeing someone other than myself naked. For some reason, him being a male makes me more uncomfortable. My eyes do a quick glance over his body before I force them to look into his warm, brown eyes. I strain to keep eye contact with him. I want to turn my head away or continue to gawk at his body. His body makes me curious and feel things I've never felt before. I'm afraid of this feeling and I want to run away from it and from him. The torn look in his eyes scream for my help. I know Adonis will never verbally speak this bluntly, but he needs me right now. I get off of the bed, still feeling weak and a little dizzy from the quick movement. I find his navy blue underwear on the royal purple carpet. The carpet and the Queen size bed lets me know this is Cosette's room. Flashbacks of seeing this room enters my mind. As kids, Diggory and I knew this room was off limits. It was like her sanctuary, so why would she put Adonis in here?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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