Tired (pt 2)

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2) Hinata

Hinata was normally very happy and optimistic. This is a well-known fact. 

But when he's overwhelmed with the anxiety of it all, he breaks down.

Hinata has anxiety. You can see it in the way how he is always so anxious in his games, and how he always throws up before one. He has panic attacks alone in the bathroom and never tells anyone due to him not thinking it was relevant.

Only two people in the world knew of this little secret.

One was Hinata's boyfriend, Kageyama Tobio, and the other was the Karasuno mom, Sugawara Koushi.

Kageyama was always there for Hinata on his little trips to the bathroom, but he could never recognize the signs of when Hinata was extremely bad. After all, Hinata hid it really well, especially on his worse days, and especially from Kageyama, not wanting to worry him.

But Suga always knew. He could tell. He could always tell when the members were feeling down from even their smallest and most irrelevant movements.

So when Hinata took off running after club, leaving his bike behind in a small trail of dust, Suga determinedly followed.

He knew that Hinata always ran when the stress and anxiety became too much for the small spiker. He knew that he ran, ran until he could barely walk any longer, not looking where he was going. This was dangerous. There was the danger of getting lost, getting too tired to get back home, going too far to go back home, or worse, kidnapped. So Suga always followed Hinata on his runs, and always made sure he went home safely.

Of course, Hinata didn't know this.

But today, Suga could tell that he was feeling worse. Their match with Aoba Johsai was coming up after all. He knew that he would have to approach Hinata today, and comfort his precious kouhai.


He ran as fast as he could to keep Hinata in his sight, wind ripping through his silver hair while he streaked down the street, carefully noting where he was.

His lungs were heaving as his tired legs burned from exhaustion. But one look at his kouhai racing away from him kept his legs pumping, no matter how tired they were. His lungs and throat were on fire, after all, his stamina was pretty horrible.

Still, he kept running. He ran, and ran, and ran, and kept running even when he felt like he was going to collapse onto the road right then and there. He ran for his kouhai. Only one thought ran through his tired mind:

I need to help my kouhai.

I can fall, faint, and die right here.

All of the muscles in my body can rip, my lungs can explode, blood can fill my mouth.

I'll still run.

For my kouhai, I can do anything.

He felt the iron tang of blood grace his mouth as he managed to choke out another breath, still running, his legs screaming, brain screaming, nerves screaming, and lungs screaming at him to stop. His body was on fire as the pain washed in waves up and down his body, making him let out screams that were lost in his chaotic lungs.

Yet, he still kept running.

Finally, finally, he saw Hinata come to a stop in front of him. Slowly, relievingly, he stopped running.

Both boys stood there for a while panting, a quiet pain coursing through their legs and lungs while they desperately tried to breathe.

Suga was swallowing another wave of blood coming up his throat when he saw Hinata move out of the corner of his eye.

Quickly, he looked up, seeing Hinata crouch down and cry into his arms in the middle of the street.

His sobs were desperate, choking, as he was still trying to regain his breath. It almost killed Suga's heart to hear the horrible cries of the normally optimistic younger.

Straining his legs, slowly, he started to limp towards his kouhai, walking through the pain to reach his kouhai's side.

Ignoring the pain in his legs and lungs, he slowly, wincing, crouched down beside Hinata. Gently, he pulled him into a warm hug.

Hinata froze for a moment, taking in the sweet and familiar scent.

Vanilla. Vanilla, chocolate, and the familiar scent of a volleyball.


Hinata turned around and like his life depended on it, hugged Suga, tears streaming faster and faster down his cheeks.

The two were seen sobbing away together as the last tendrils of the sun disappeared behind the mountains.


"Suga-senpai, how did you get here?" The croaky voice of Hinata asked.

"I followed you."

"But I ran so fast! How did you keep up with me.....? I mean, you're stamina is......."

"For my kouhai, I can do anything."


Hinata smiled a watery smile. 

Suga gently smiled down at the small boy that he had come to love so dearly.

"No should cry alone, Hinata....... remember that."

Hinata nodded furiously. There was a second of comfortable silence as the limped along the road.
"Wait...... Suga-senpai...... where are we?......"

"You ran quite far, I'm afraid. We'll have to walk to the nearest subway station and......."

As Hinata stared at his senpai as he continued to talk and search up the map on his phone, silver hair and eyes shining in the light of the moon. He knew how much pain he must have gone through to have followed him all the way out here. A gentle smile filled his face.

Oh, how lucky and grateful he was to have such a caring senpai.

Man! That was actually really fun to write! I had to have inspiration though........ At first I was going to make pt 2 Tsukishima, but then I realized that my idea for Tsukishima's way of handling stress didn't fit him at all, and fit Daichi better, so I started writing Daichi's, but I had planned for Daichi's to be pt 8 because it was the most important (THEY'RE BOYFRIENDS C'MON) so I had to think of something else and here it is!

I hope that you guys enjoyed this and be prepared for the next part! It could be anyone!

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