Chapter 22

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This procession is less overwhelming than my coronation, especially with Ulfric at my side. This time the people seem to be cheering louder than they did for my coronation, and I find it easier to smile and wave for them.
"Look at them, Nova. The people are happy." Ulfric says. This must be a dream realized for him; the happiness of the people is all he's ever wanted.
We arrive at the courtyard of the temple, where the crowd seems to be most intense and the guards seem to be struggling to hold them back. Galmar and the other Stormblades escort us safely through the doors and close them behind us. The temple is decorated with beautiful mountain flowers just as we had planned, and hanging from the walls and ceiling are the banners bearing the seal of Eastmarch for Ulfric, and my own new seal of a blue and red dragon breathing fire.
We thought maybe it would be appropriate to use the seal of Whiterun hold since it is my birthplace, but that would be more appropriate if I were the Jarl's child, which I am certainly not. I couldn't use the usual seal of the black and red dragon for the Septim dynasty since the Mede emperors have now adopted it, so I simply created my own.
Seated among the guests are all the Jarls of course, and many of the higher ranking officers of the Stormcloaks. Marcurio and Camilla smile to us from their seats, along with Carth. I look among the guests and make a mental checklist. Ralof takes his seat next to Tolvana, who looks more swollen than ever. Princess Satherea of Morrowind and the Argonian princes are present, seated on opposite sides of the aisle, of course; I wonder if Prince Amaund will show. He wasn't invited in order to maintain appearances with the Empire, but he normally isn't invited when he does appear. Just as Vilkas told me, all of the Companions are present except himself. Ria waves at me excitedly, and I wink at her in response. Finally, after waiting so long, Ulfric and I reach the end of the aisle. Priest Rorlund greets us both.
"No one getting cold feet?" He whispers. We both shake our heads, eager to begin the ceremony. We turn towards each other, our hands locked together as if we'll never let go.
"It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another." He begins. Ulfric smiles down at me as if he could never be more content. It feels like we've waited so long for this moment, but the moment isn't long enough. "It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. Honored guests, old friends, we gather here today under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. Are there any that may object to the union of this couple?" He continues. My heart almost stops. Vilkas hasn't come back, has he? I glance over the guests, and to my horror he stands in the back, just by the door. I refuse to look at him, pleading that he stay silent. "May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship." Rorlund continues, and I breathe a small sigh of relief. "Do you, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak of Windhelm, agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?" He asks, looking to Ulfric.
"I do. Now and forever." He says.
"And do you, High Queen Novariana Septim of Rorikstead, Queen of Skyrim and the Nine Holds, Dragonborn of Tamriel, agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"
"I do. Now and forever." I answer him, not even allowing the tiniest shake of confidence in my voice.
"I present to the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together." He says, handing a gold ring to each of us. Ulfric gently takes my hand and slips it on, and I do the same for him in return.
"Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. And, under the authority of Akatosh and the Nine Divines, I declare Ulfric of Windhelm High King Consort of Skyrim and the nine holds. My Queen, you may kiss your groom." He whispers to me with a smile. I almost leap into Ulfric's arms, wrapping my own tightly around his neck. It occurs to me vaguely that many of the guests are out of their seats, clapping and cheering.
Finally Ulfric releases me and we make our way out of the temple, pushing through the crowd. Galmar and the other Stormblade guards escort us quickly back to the Palace, as the crowds outside are getting even more chaotic. Finally we make it back to the Palace with the doors shut securely behind us.
"The guests will arrive shortly. I've sent individual parties of guards after them." Galmar explains.
"Thank you, Galmar." I tell him, but he only glares at me as he wanders away.
He knows.
Once again, Ulfric sweeps me up in his arms and kisses me firmly.
"My wife. You're my wife. We're married." He repeats as if he can't believe it, a broad grin on his face. I smile and touch his cheek.
"My husband." Despite my worries about Vilkas or Galmar, I'm positively elated. Taarie and Endarie appear behind us, removing the red robes. Taarie also detaches the train from the bottom of my dress; easier to dance with. They really thought of everything.

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