Chapter 14

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"She gave me this." I mumble to Falk Firebeard, lost in his drink. I slide the gold ring, covered in jewels across the table to the steward.
"Her wedding ring." He says. "She was alive when you found her?" He asks.
"Barely. She was so badly wounded when I found her that I don't think there was a drop of blood left in her." I explain somberly. "It was so... Unnecessary. I know a lot about killing people, and there's faster, more humane ways than that." I explain.
"They wanted her to suffer." Falk growls. I nod.
"Did she say anything?" Ulfric asks.
"It was the Thalmor; she told me herself. The whole Stormcloak escort party was slaughtered, no one escaped. She also warned me that they'd be after me too, which is why I chose to stay in hiding until I arrived in Solitude." I tell them. Downstairs, a few guards halfheartedly struggle with a few drunk party goers, doing their best to escort them into the street. They're the only guests left; the Jarls all went to bed hours ago, and the bards and most of the citizens left not much later.
"We'll need you to explain all this to the Jarls tomorrow at the Moot." Says Galmar.
"If they don't know already." Ulfric grumbles, deep in thought. I nod, ignoring him.
"Of course." I say.
"Stormblade Novariana..." Mumbles a quiet voice behind me. Erdi, the maid that assisted me during my last stay in the Blue Palace. I'm happy to see she kept her job.
"Hello Erdi." I smile at her. She smiles back, happy to be remembered.
"Your daughters would like a word." She says, nodding to the doorway behind her. Two small faces peak out at me, giggling softly.
"Of course. Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I'll retire for the night." I tell them, giving them a small bow as I stand. I suppose a curtsy would've been more proper in a dress; oh well. I follow Erdi to their room, and they giggle and run into the room to hide. As soon as I'm through the door the two of them jump on my legs, hoping to tackle me to the floor. I reach down to pull them off, but I'm instead met with their vise-like grip on my arms. I lift each of them from the ground, their feet dangling just above the floor as they cling to my biceps. I set them down in their bed as they giggle, but they still don't let go.
"You two skeevers have to go to bed sometime-" I start.
"Only if you sleep in our bed with us!" Sofie demands.
"Fine, fine." I collapse on top of them, smothering them in my body weight. They squeal and giggle, attempting to push my dead weight off of them.
"Get up!" Lucia demands.
"Oh, I can't, I'm just too tired..." I complain.


After only an hour, the two of them are dead asleep. I'm wedged between the edge of the bed and Sofie, gently caressing their sleeping faces and running my fingers through their hair. When I'm sure they won't wake up, I stand and kiss each of their foreheads before quietly leaving and shutting the door.
It's not hard to find Ulfric's room; his is the only one with candles still lit and the door still open. He sits leaned over a desk covered in books, his back to me. I read the titles of the huge books, all of them about politics, history, some of them rough and tattered. I press a gentle hand on the back of his neck, trailing down under his shirt as I try to rub away the tension.
"A king needs his sleep." I tell him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. I get carried away in his scent, his warmth. My hands find their way down his chest under his shirt, my lips to his neck. He sighs, groaning softly.
"Among other things." He says, standing abruptly. I wonder at first where he's going, until I notice him removing his belt as he shuts and locks the door.


"I missed you." He sighs, his face pressed against my neck.
"I see that." I mumble sarcastically. He sits up in bed and looks at me, forcing his way out of the tangled sheets.
"You'll be there tomorrow, won't you? At the moot." He asks, a far off look in his eyes. I nod.
"Of course. What's wrong..?" I ask.
"What if I didn't become High King? Would you still want to marry me?" He asks.
"Of course I would—" I start.
"Even if I wasn't a Jarl?" He asks urgently. I nod again.
"You said you loved me before you knew I was Dragonborn. I would love you if you were a farmer." I explain. He nods, laying his head down on my bare chest again.
"What's wrong?" I ask again, kissing his forehead.
"I can't tell you yet, but I might do something drastic tomorrow, and I hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me." He sighs.
"Did you see the stunt I pulled tonight? If I'm not the Dragonborn, I'm the queen of drastic, unnecessary actions."
"Queen of that, and much more." He says.
"Don't get ahead of yourself." I sigh. He smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Have you seen a healer since you returned? I'm shocked you have no wounds... " He asks.
"No, I didn't need one. I was wounded terribly, my entire body was burned, but... Lydia died in battle before I left, and she was there to bathe me in the waters of Sovngarde. It all just washed away. Even the scars I had long before are gone now." I explain. He nods thoughtfully, rubbing his thumb along my cheekbone where a small scar used to be.
"Still, perhaps you should see one. Just to make sure there are no... Residual effects." He says. I smile.
"I promise you, I don't need one. In fact, I feel healthier than ever."

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