VII - Secret Boyfriend?

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I sigh reliefed when Megan answers my call. She doesn't seem so happy though.

"What do you want?" She says coldly.

"Meg, gosh I'm so sorry I missed your flight" I apologize as I walk one way to another in my apartment.

"Yeah, well I honestly don't care right now Michael"

"No, Meg, c'mon" I beg, I'm feeling more desperate about this than I thought I'd be "I fell asleep, I was an ass I know, but I just fell asleep"

"Your girlfriend is leaving the country and you fall asleep?! If you didn't wanna go to the airport that's fine, but you could have at least gone after me since we weren't even okay when I left your place yesterday"

"I wanted to go to the airport..."

"And it really sucks that I didn't even get a goodbye from my own boyfriend. I mean, were you really that tired that you couldn't get your ass off the couch and come to my place?!"

"Babe, I'm so sorry, pleas..."

"No, and it was so fucking humiliating when my parents asked me about you this morning and I had to lie and say you had some shit to do and had already said goodbye so they won't hate you even more, cause you have to be such a bitch everytime we go visit them"

"Alright, we're missing the point here" I mumble under my breath.

"And now I'm in a completely different country, alone, amazingly upset and I can't even have a good boyfriend to make me feel better cause he was the one who got me so damn upset!" Her voice cracks and she sounds hurt and nervous, what makes me feel even more guilt.

"Babe, I screwed up, but I love you so much, please forgive me" I say, but there's only silence on the other line. Shit "Meg...? Are you crying?"

"No" She says, though her voice is already shaking.

I close my eyes in frustation "Please don't cry"

"You're such an ass" She whimpers.

"I know, I'm the fattest of the asses" I say, trying to light up the mood and smiling when I hear her low laugh on the other side "I'm really sorry Meg, you know I love you, right?"

I can hear her taking a deep breath before talking "Yeah... I'm feeling so lost in here babe" I can picture her pounting to the phone and let out a low laugh.

Our relationship is still on.



I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, going back to my room. Not without passing by the pile of clothes in the bathroom, of course, in which lies my stupid fucking panties that I was wearing the other night. I just wanted to slap myself once I realized that Michael actually saw me in those. It's an old pink underwear with flowers on it! Gosh, I feel embarrassed. It's not like I was exactly planning to sleep with somebody.

At least it was Michael, I mean, he's been my best friends for a long time and we do have intimacy, so it's not that big of a deal. But it's also pretty shitty that the first time I had sex with him I was wearing that, it'd be better if I could cause a good impression... Wait, no. What the hell am I thinking about? I don't want Michael to have a good impression of my body or something. And that was the first and the last time we had sex, that's settled. It was stupid, I don't even know why I'm still thinking about this. He said to forget it, right?

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