IV - Drunk?

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"Vi, hey" Ashton calls me as we're coming in the club, pulliing my arm slightly.

"What?" I turn around, trying to hear him through the music.

"What's up with Megan? Mike mentioned there was something going on, but he wouldn't say what"

"Oh" I stop walking so I could talk to him better "I guess he just don't wanna think about it now. She's going to London for a month, he got pretty upset"

"Shit, that sucks. She broke up with him?" He asks.

By now we're a little apart from the rest of the group, that's already getting some drinks. I shake my head to Ashton and he pulls a face.

"So, long distance relationship?"

"It's only for a month, I think they'll be fine" I shrug.

"Yeah, maybe. I wouldn't like my girlfriend to be in another country with a whole bunch of other dudes" 

I laugh at him, rolling my eyes "Just because you cant' trust people, doesn't mean Michael can't. And besides that, she loves him, I doubt she'd do anything to hurt him"

"Yeah, I hope you're right"

"Don't worry about it, I am. Now let's go, since I managed to get in, I wanna have a drink"


"You are soooo hot, like wow" I hear the girl with too make up on her face say to Ashton with her arms around his neck, with a goofy smile on her lips. She'd probably fall if he hasn't caught her.

We're all in the middle of the dance floor, jumping around and singing along with the songs. Michael is next to me and he grabs my hands from time to time, shaking my arms pathetically, we haven't drink much, so I guess we're just in a happy moment. 

That's not Luke's case, he's been drinking the whole night and his eyes had actually become smaller, sometimes I truly believe he forgets where he is. Though plenty of girls tried to get his attention, he insisted in hugging Calum and laughing at pretty much everything he said.

"You should go to your friends, they're calling you" Ashton says to the girl, pointing at nowhere, he probably got tired of her already.

She starts laughing hysterically for some reason and I observe him widening his eyes at her, lucky for him that some dude showed up and she decided to go grab him, leaving Ash alone. He comes towards us and I can't help but laugh at him.

"Oh, why didn't you get her? She was pretty"

"Yeah, pretty drunk" He answers, looking around probably searching for Luke and Calum, he raises an eyebrow when he spots them "What the fuc...? How drunk is Luke?"

Michael laughs, putting an arm around Ash's shoulder, still jumping excited "Let him be, maybe him and Cal finally have their first kiss tonight" He jokes.

"Omg, I love this song!" I scream when Don't You Worry Child starts playing.

"Ashton, sing with me!" Michael says and suddenly the two of them are singing along with their arms bouncing in the air from one side to another.

There's nothing left for me to do other than joining them.


I'm dead.

Not literally, of course, I'm just amazingly tired. We ended up all on the comfy couches of the club, I rest my head on Michael's chest, almost falling asleep while he caressed my hair. Ashton's leaned on me, probably sleeping, and for some reason one of his hands' holding my wrist softly, I don't really mind it. Luke's all curled up in a chair that's too small for him, and Calum... Where is Calum?Oh, yeah, he found himself a new bartender friend who he's been talking to for a long time.

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