killer/phycho/undead OC

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Name: Alex bloodlust.
Race: human/undead
Age: 18, when killed. Been killing for 30 years.
Hair: short and messy.
Eyes: glowing white eyes.
Weapon: a machete.
Signature: draging/scrapping his nails across the blade from a unknown location.
Hight: 7ft.
Look: a strong build. Scars around his eyes. Overgrown nails, there sharper cause of the scrapping. Has sharp teeth from eating anything he can get his hands on, bones included. Scars all over his body, was a punching bag for a lot of people.
Location: forest.
Died: being hung.
Likes: the forest. water. animals. furrys. His Wolves. The cool air of the night.
Dislikes: civilization. Humans. Campers in his woods. People hunting his wolves, for sport and fun. Jocks. Popular people. The heat of the day, reminds him of that day. His necklace.

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