Chapter 12

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It's our first day back on set since we got Taytum and Oakley back. It has been four days since we got them back. They gave us some time off. They are under more security then usual since the kidnapping. It's ok though. I just glad it will hopefully never happen again.

We arrive on set and Everleigh is unbuckled before Corey even stops the car.

"You'll never learn" I say.

"No I won't" She says.

I get out of the car and get Everleigh out. I look over my shoulder and Bradley is coming over to us.

"I'll be right back" I say to Corey.

He looks at Bradley and then says "Ok"

I hold Everleigh's hand and we walk over to him.

"Hi Bradley" I say to him.

"Hi Sabrina" He says back.

"Thank you for trying to help us find Taytum and Oakley" I say.

"It was no problem." He says. No one said anything for a couple seconds. "So this is her" Bradley says.

"Yeah. This is Everleigh" I say

"Hi" He says to her.

"This is Bradley. I used to date him before you were born" I say.

"Why did you stop dating?" She asks.

"We found out I was having you and he said he stopped dating me so you could have parents that were dating" I say. That's the best way to explain it to a four year old.

"Thank you" She says to him.

"Your welcome sweetie" He says and smiles a little bit.

Everleigh saw Auggie and Ocean I walk inside and she was now pulling my arm to go in.

"Thank you for everything Bradley. I'll see you soon" I say to him.

"Bye Sabrina" He says.

Me and Everleigh go inside. Corey and the twins were already in there. There was a big banner hung up that said "Welcome home Taytum and Oakley"

It was actually really cute. We had a little party on set. Everyone was really excited to have them back. They missed the girls. That's what we did for the first half of the day. Then second half we filmed a couple scenes.

We took the girls out to dinner when we left.

"Did you have fun on set today?" I asked the girls after we order our food.

We watched the girls a lot closely on set today. That was one mistake we could have done to prevent this whole thing. If they were just with ones of us it wouldn't have happened.

"Yeah. I liked eating cake and cookies" Everleigh says.

"Me too" Taytum says.

"That's good" I say.

We just had small talk at dinner. Everleigh told us about how she is excited to start school in September and Taytum and Oakley told us some story I couldn't keep up with. They were definitely making it up as they went alone. I think a unicorn was best friends with a dog.

We went home and I got the girls ready for bed. Everleigh was exhausted. She just wanted Corey to hold her. I brought Taytum and Oakley in there room and put them into there pajamas. They were wearing kinda like tie dye white and pink pajamas.

We go into Everleigh's room to see how she is doing. She is sound asleep and Corey was turning on the night light on next to her bed. He puts his finger up to his mouth and says "Shh" when he sees us.

He takes the twins and I go and say goodnight to Everleigh. I give her a kiss on my cheek and then leave the room. I go into the twins room and Corey is with them taking pictures. He loves taking pictures of the girls.

We sat in the room with Taytum and Oakley for a little while.

"You know mommy and daddy missed you right?" I ask them.

"Yeah" Taytum says.

"We miss you too" Oakley says.

"I'm sorry we didn't see you for a little while" Corey says.

"It ok daddy" Oakley says.

"We love you" I say.

"I love you" Taytum says.

"I love you" Oakley repeats.

"It's time for you two to go to sleep" Corey says to them.

"No" Oakley says.

"Stay up!" Taytum says.

"We'll wake up in the morning and play all day but now it's time to go to sleep" I say

"Ok" Oakley says.

I help Taytum get into her crib while Corey puts Oakley in her crib. Taytum likes to climb into he's herself.

"Goodnight" I say and give Taytum a hug and a kiss.

"Night night mommy" Taytum says.

Me and Corey switch and I say goodnight to Oakley and he says goodnight to Taytum. They lay down and we leave the room and go into our bedroom. We lay in our bed and start talking.

"I'm so happy to have Taytum and Oakley back" I say.

"Me too. I missed them" He says.

"I missed them too" I say. "Thank you for being so calm about it. I know you only did it so I wouldn't freak out" I add.

"I did. I thought it would be worse if we freaked out. It would effect Everleigh a lot too" He says.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask and look at him.

"Of course" He says.

"I'm pregnant" I say.

The end

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