Chapter 2

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So let me give you a little run through on our morning routine.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! We have fun things to do today!" Everleigh yells as she walks into me and Corey's room and jumps onto our bed.

"Good morning Ev. How did you sleep last night?" I ask and sit up. Corey's wakes up too.

"Good. Now let's go. I want to go see all my friends at Girl Meets World. I haven't seen them in forever" She says. It's a Monday and last time we were on set was Friday. It's only been two days.

"Ok we're coming" Corey says.

"Ok. I'll be downstairs waiting for breakfast" She says and leaves the room.

"Good morning" I say to Corey.

"Good morning" He says back and gives me a kiss on the lips. That's the most alone time we will get until tonight after the girls are asleep.

We get up out of bed and I go to the babies room and Corey goes downstairs to feed Everleigh breakfast. That's what we do every morning.

I go into the babies bedroom and they are both awake talking to each other in there little baby talk. It's really cute.

"Hi girls" I say.

"Mommy!" They both say in baby talk.

I go to Taytum's crib and take her out first since it's closer to the door.

She starts walking around her room and then out the door. They are allowed the run around up here since we have a gate before the stairs so they won't fall down them. Then I take Oakley out and go to put her on the ground.

"No no" She says. So I hold her and walk over to the steps. I pick Taytum up and bring her down the stairs. I put both of them down when we get to the bottom. They run through the living room to the kitchen.

"Hi daddy!" I hear them both yell then I walk in.

I go and sit at the table next to Everleigh and Corey puts the twins in there high chairs. Everleigh had eggs and toast.

I fed the twins the eggs that Corey made while Everleigh ate. Everleigh told us all about the dreams she had last night. I couldn't follow the story line of it but the only thing I got out of was she was riding of unicorn that was jumping on a trampoline and pooping rainbows and a bunch of other crazy stuff was happening.

Once they were done eating I brought them upstairs to get them dressed. Corey got ready while I did that. I got Everleigh dressed first since she is easier. She wore a cute hot pink dress with silver stars. Then I put her hair in like a little pony tail on the top of her head. I forgot what those are called. Then I put a silver bow where the ponytail was.

"You look cute" I say.

"I know" She says and does a little pose in front of the mirror on her door. She turns around to face me and says, "Daddy has to take a picture of this outfit" She says and runs out of the room. She is probably going to go find Corey to take a picture of her.

I go into the twins room and they are playing nicely. Normally we aren't able to leave them alone for more than a minute.

I changed there diapers which took a little while. They kept running around and that's always makes the process longer. Once that was done I got them dressed. Today I'm doing matching outfits for them. I don't do it all the time but today I am. They wore a little pink romper dress thing with cherries on them.

A lot of times designers will send me dresses and outfits of the girls for free and in return I post it on Instagram and tag there accounts since it gets them more business. I made the girls a joint Instagram for it.

Once they were dressed Corey brought them downstairs to play in the playroom and I got dressed.

Once I was ready we went to the set.

Let me show you a picture of Everleigh, Taytum and Oakley's outfits. Everleigh would be really mad if I didn't. Corey took some pictures of them in the backyard while I got dressed.

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