Chapter 5

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It's Saturday. Two days after the kidnapping.

Taytum and Oakley haven't been found yet. The police station called last night and I really thought that they found them but when I answered the phone they just said that they haven't been found but they are still looking. I don't even get where they are looking because we have absolutely no idea where they are.

Everleigh hasn't been allowed to leave the house the past two days. She doesn't mind. I think she likes being alone with just me and Corey even if I'm a little out of it right now.

I'm downstairs making breakfast for her now. She is upstairs with Corey, probably taking pictures or something. She loves having her picture taken.

They both come downstairs fully dressed and ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Me and Ever are going to go to the park" Corey says.

"No your not" I say.

"Sabrina your being ridiculous. She hasn't been out of the house the two days. Are you just never going to let her out of the house ever again?" Corey asks.

"No. She's just not allowed to leave until we find Taytum and Oakley" I say.

"Please mommy. Let me go. I need to go play at the park and be with kids so I don't start acting like a grown up" Ev says.

"Fine you can go. Just for a little bit and you need to eat breakfast first" I say.

"We will get something on the way" Corey says and picks up the car keys then gives me a kiss on the cheek

"Everything will be ok" He says.

"I know" I say and bend down to Everleigh's height.

"Bye mommy" Everleigh says and gives me a hug and I hug her back then she gives me a kiss on the nose.

"Bye Ev" I say.

So they leave and I clean up the breakfast I made for absolutely no reason. I saved it. They can eat it later or tomorrow, I don't really care.

Once that was done I check Instagram. I was tagged in a lot of pictures of a YouTube video titled "WE KIDNAPPED TWINS TAYTUM AND OAKLEY *Clickbait*"  Most of the comments on were saying the video was so funny and a good joke.

I go and search for the video on YouTube and then click on it. It was the only video on the channel and it was getting a large amount of subscribers.

I watched the video and it was just the twins in a room being filmed. The room wasn't dark and the twins were in two separate cribs just standing there. They also just looked normal. They weren't excited and happy like they normally are. They just had straight faces on. This went on for about ten minutes until a person with a modified deep voice started talking. He didn't show himself on camera. He just kept telling the girls they were really cute and he can't wait to play with them later.

I was completely sick by the time I finished watching it. I don't even know why I watched the entire video. It made me sick that fans thought this was a joke. It made me sick that someone else has my two daughters. It made me sick that they called Taytum and Oakley cute and said they couldn't wait to play later. What the hell does this person mean by play? It makes me feel better that I know they are alive though.

After a couple minutes I went into the kitchen and got the business card of the detective on set two days ago. I called and she answered right away.

"Hi Sabrina. I was expecting this call. I already saw the video and I am having the tech people try and get the IP address" Claire, the detective says.

"Thank you Claire. I don't know what I would have done without you" I say.

"Your welcome. I have to get back to work but I will keep you posted on everything going on" She says.

"Thank you again" I say and hang up.

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