Second Mission Part 1

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A/N: Yow guys, I also translated this Chapter, hope you guys like it. Again, sorry for the errors. please messege me if there is some major errors that you will see. love you! Spread the Love.

~~~~~MISSION NUMBER 2: Make her fall. PART 1

A man is sitting in front of his laptop inside his office. He has some thick eyeglasses, white hair but still handsome. He's wearing his business attire, His aura can tell people around him that he is powerful. He has a power in everything.

"Sir, you have a call from your daughter." His secretary said, giving him the phone.

The old man takes it and smiles to his secretary like saying that thank you and you can go now.

"Hello my beautiful princess?" the old man said, smiling. He misses her beloved daughter, his one and only child.

"Appa! Waaah how are you? I missed you so much! You didn't answer my calls! Do I always need to call your secretary to be able to talk to you? I'm your daughter, not some business partner." His daughter said in the other line. She's talking with her eagyo again.

The old man just chuckled. "Aigoo, my dear daughter, you miss me that much huh? We just talked the other day."

"But appa, you know that I can't last a day without hearing your voice. I'm your spoiled daughter remember?" the girl said, still using her baby voice.

"Yah! Jennie Kim! You are already 21, don't act like a child my dear. Even if you are my princess, still you are a fine lady now."

"Hais, Appa you just ruined the moment again you know? I'm just kidding about the eagyo thing." Jennie said. "But Appa, I really miss you. I'm here in Korea now, when will you be free? And please bring Mom with you."

Jennie really misses her Dad. She's a daddy's girl after all. Her father spoiled her that even her mother cannot control his hobby of giving almost everything to Jennie. But Jennie didn't take advantage of that, as much as possible she will just requested something to her father that can help not only herself but also other people like charity and other.

That attitude makes her father love her daughter even more. She is selfless, Jennie is not like other child that also in the world they are living.

"Let's have lunch tomorrow my princess, what do you think?" her father suggested.

"I'll love that idea Appa, see you tomorrow then. Anneyong! Love you" the cheerful Jennie said.

"Okay my daughter, I love you too." The father replied and then ended the call.

He looks at the papers that are on the top of his table. KM Agency, that's his company's name. He has secret agents; his company helps the Korea government to caught illegal transaction all over the country.

As her daughter, Jennie learned how to use guns, fistfight and everything but she only uses it as a self-defense.

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