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"Lol no Harreh, I don't want ur bod." Calum said dismissively as he waved goodbye to his love.

"K bYe." Harry said holding baby Paper Towel. He watched as Calpal hit a sharknoodlesquirrel on his way to worm.

Harry and Papee sat on the couch together. Harold switched on tha telley and changed the channel to Pornhub.

"MoM No Plz NoT aGAiN." PT said as his legs went to ass.

"stfu Papee you dont know." Harreh replied curtly, combing his long brown locks.

"Wtf is this you lil bitch?" said a harsh but sexy as fuck voice from behind. Suddenly, the nugget Sebastian Michbælis appeared in front of the televishun. His purple pimp fur coat hung low and his shining gold necklaces were sweg. His neck length black hair was fucking all over like it normally was.

"I thought you gave up the kid in exchange for maximum pleshurs?" He said with a confused tone.

"eh." Harry replied, shrugging it off like no big deal.

"I FUCKING NEEDED THE MONEY YA BITCH. I GOTTA SUPPORT THIS FAMILY." Bassy yelled as he forcefully ripped off his brony t-shirt. Harry stood up from the couch, leaving Papee behind.

"SHANAYNAY!" Harold called out. Sebas-chan sighed. "COME DOWN HERE!"

Seconds later Wheatley Bootyman rushed down the stairs.

"come beat this assdick plz." Harry said, gesturing to Mr. Michbælis. just then Bassy just fucking disappeared okay wow I guess thats cool.

Wheatley aka Shanaynay looked at Harreh and then to Paper Towel who was ded.

PlOt twust:

Shanana wus Wheatli deh hole tyme.

and Sebaschun nevur existude in de frust plce.

Papee iz rulli ded tho.

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