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Me: hey guys, me and Dottie are the only ones awake, and we are going to host this until other people get up

Dottie: hey people I don't talk much in this do i Lizzy?

Me: sorry bout that girl you can blame jason

Dottie: hahaha so what are we going to do

Me: well we could go around the place and play pranks on everyone

Dottie: sounds like fun

Me: who first

Dottie: patty!

Me: okay *walks up to patty with sharpies* here you first *hands a sharpie to dottie*

Dottie: *draws "I ❤️ Dottie" on his four head* your turn

Me: *draws kellin Quinn on his cheek* okay who next

Dottie: Troye?

Me: okay, we have to be quiet in the hall *opens door* *walks out*

Dottie: okay *follows*


Me: *opens door* okay Troye is over there *points to sleeping troye*

Dottie: hahaha I don't think we should be doing this, I don't even know most of these people.

Me: shhhhh you'll wake them up

Dottie: oh ya

Me: *takes out shaving foam out of my pocket*

Dottie: you can do it I don't want to.

Me: why are you sccccccaaaaarreed

Dottie: yes I am

Me: *covers TROYES hair and eyebrows in shaving cream and makes the shape of a dick on his croch*

Dottie: okay I think that is it.

Me: no one more person, in the other room!

Dottie: fiiiine

Me: *steps into hallway*

Dottie: *follows*


Me: okay now we we can do jason

Dottie: okay but what are we going to do?

Me: *takes rainbow hair dye out of pocket* this

Dottie: do you know how to dye hair?

Me: no but I can learn?

Dottie: I am going back to the room, I don't want jason to kill me too

Me: fiiiinnee

Dottie: *leaves*

Me: well jason, time for rainbow hair *quiet evil laugh*


Me: okay Dottie you can go back to sleep now it's done. *back in room*

Dottie: did he wake up?

Me: no

Dottie: how did you do it?

Me: just kinda put the stuff on his hair and did some stuff and POOF rainbow hair!

Dottie: okay Lizzy you need sleep.

Me: okay well good night Dottie

Dottie: goodnight Lizzy


Me: *sits up in bed* well I forgot, please leave your questions, comments, and scenarios in the comments and ya know the rest. Good night. *lays down and starts snoring*

Youtuber Game ShowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora