Chapter 16

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Roselyn Bell

When Adriet returned he wasn't in his best mood but he had no right to be mad at me. I decided just to ignore him. He gave me a glance and went inside his closet. I had managed to find a white shirt and short. I heard a knock on the door and then a lady entered with few clothes in her hand. She kept them on the couch and left. I just stared at the window blankly. Adriet unlocked the closet and came out wearing blue denim and a white shirt with a beige blazer.

"Bell" he calked out for me but I didn't feel like responding. "Now you are giving me a silent treatment" he sighed and came and stood next to me, "Look Bell I know I am not the nicest person around to talk to. But if ware going to live together you have to trust me," he said.

"Trust? Please Adriet it would be better if you don't talk about trust" I replied bitterly, "I trusted you but you never told me the truth"

"Fine I'll tell you everything once we reach New York and don't argue me upon that because I won't listen to you," he said firmly, "Right now change your clothes we are going to keep your bags and leave" he left no room for argument. But how was I supposed to leave my mother when she wanted me the most. I lazily walked up to the bed picked up the clothes and went in the washroom and changed my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and realised how bad I looked. I had bruises on my face. My side of my lips had dried blood stains and my forehead. I touched and immediately regretted because of the pain. My eyes were gloomy and showed tiredness. I quickly splashed some cold water no matter how cold it was outside tamed my hair and went outside. I had covered most of my bruises with my hair. Adriet looked up at me.

"Let's go," he said and we made our way outside. The house was really big it had a very modern touch to it. I saw Adriet was already outside waiting for me with his luggage beside him. I quickly made my way towards him. When he saw me he got in the driver's seat and I sat beside him and drove off from there.

"Was that your house?" I asked to which he just nodded I took a deep breath and looked ahead of me. The road which usually had melted snow was now covered with melted snow. I wasn't able to come up with a really good excuse.

"We are here" I heard Adriet saying. I quickly got out, "You don't have to come I'll be back soon," I said to him and went inside. The door wasn't locked I could hear distant whispers from inside. I made my way inside the house. I saw my mom, Lukas, Cole and my grandmother and my aunt along with Rachel sitting in the hall.

"Look who's here" it was Rachel who made that comment. My mom rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Roselyn darling are you fine" she hugged me and wiped my face she gasped as she saw my bruises, "How did this happen," she asked.

"Nothing mom I am fine" I replied.

"Oh honey" she hugged me.

"Mom I am going back to New York," I said.

"Why but what's the hurry," she asked, "And tell me where were you for past five days and how did you end up like this"

"There's nothing to worry... I am fine" I pulled back from her and went upstairs.

"You see that's the difference between the blood relati-"

"Mom she will hear it" moma scolded.

"Then let her," she said and quickly closed the door behind me. I quickly packed all my stuff and zipped my bag. I went near my window and saw Adriet outside the car leaning casually looking up at me. He gestured me to come down I nodded and went away. On my way out I saw a photo of me and Lila hanging on the wall. I decided to take it with me. When I came down they looked at me in horror.

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