Knowing Herself.

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And here she was, here she stood, hand in hand with her fiancé, her life having taken a big turn.

She stood up as her name was called,hugging the love of her life, then leaving his side for the crown that awaited her, the crown of peace.

Satisfaction, contentment, happiness and knowledge.

The knowledge of knowing she had changed someone else's life for the better.

She humbly accepted the humanitarian award.

The applause was encouraging, and in the moment she knew she had something to say, something to lend out.

"As I take this award, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to the people who saw me through hell, my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, my counsellor, my doctors, my fiance, my professor and everyone who has supported me in this journey.
Five years ago, I was a victim of harsh bullying. Bullying I did not deserve,bullying no one deserves, just because I had a condition that made me different from anyone else.
I had atypical genitalia.
What most people don't understand is the fact that I didn't ask for it. I didn't ask to be born that way, and it was never anyone's fault.
Not my mom, not my dad, not God.
God made us all in perfection, in his likeness, and if you can't see that, you seriously need some eye surgery.
Don't put someone else through hell just because they are different.
You need help, ask for it.
Don't vent out your frustrations on someone else.
They don't deserve it.
We don't deserve it.
I had surgery to correct my gender, not  because I was pressured, but because I knew who I was.
I knew who I'd always been.
Suicide wasn't the answer for me, though for a moment, it felt like a close second, but acceptance was.
Acceptance to the society, acceptance of who I was, who I had been born, and who I was going to be.
Many people undergo discrimination for their indifference, but it shouldn't be that way.
You're crippled,so what? You're bipolar, so what? You have autism, we don't hate you.
We want you to be who you are. "

She hugged the Bible she had in hand close to her chest.

"I had this weapon. I had a chance, am giving it to someone else. I don't support your beliefs, I don't support your decision,I may not support the fact that you're gay, but I support you as a human being.
Don't change for me.
Don't change for anyone.
Change for yourself. "



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